[Announce] node-red-contrib-component-dashboard v1 beta


I have published a beta version of node-red-contrib-component-dashboard to npm.

To install and get an example running:

  • npm install node-red-contrib-component-dashboard@beta, restart Node-RED
  • Then go to your user directory of your Node-RED install, e.g. ~/.node-red, and then to ~/.node-red/node_modules/node-red-contrib-component-dashboard/templates/exampleDashboard_1. From here, import flows.json into Node-RED, deploy.
  • Then copy the rest of this folder (index.html, style.css, widgets.js) into ~/.node-red/yad/yad. (replace the stuff that is already there)
  • Inside ~/.node-red/yad/yad run node bundle.js. This takes a while the first time.
  • open your dashboard, e.g.
  • enjoy :slight_smile:

It now supports a masonry style layout and supports all icons from https://iconify.design/icon-sets/

Caveat: You have to write html/css to design your dashboard and this is still a beta release


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