[Announce] node-red-contrib-facial-recognition

@sneakynuts I need to add a Docker to the documentation

from a post I made above......

Docker - an option for windows 10 users

I did get this node working in Docker + node-red-docker but not their Alpine version. It is not libc6 compatible with tensorflow. To solve this I made my own docker amd64 using the directions from the node-red-docker custom official site https://github.com/node-red/node-red-docker/blob/master/docker-custom/README.md

If you wish to skip the steps in building it you can use my repository https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/meeki/node-red-debian

SECURITY NOTE: I see people just willy nilly downloading dockers all over the place from all sorts of sources. You don't know me I don't have a community of checkers making sure I'm not bitcoin mining.

Before you download or do the below ask yourself if you really should trust the source. If you feel fine then great but do question before downloading any repository that is not official.

change the youruserdirhere or the whole directory to the empty one you make. this is where you persistant node-red-docker files will live.

docker run -it --restart always --log-opt max-size=5m --log-opt max-file=10 -v /home/youruserdirhere/docker/node-red:/data --name node-red -p 1881:1880 -d meeki/node-red-debian:1.2.6-10-amd64

you can now access it on http://youriphere:1881/