Hi There,
I had this idea of modelling/building Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) in Node-RED. Unfortunately the idea didn't disperse into the fogs of forgetfulness and I ended up building a bunch of nodes for doing this. I thought it would great to give non-IT people an inside into the technology that underlies the AI revolution. So I created something where ANNs can be designed, trained and tested - it's purely for the visuals and not for the correctness.
Obviously this isn't up-to-date with the latest in AI development however to provides a way to create very simple layered ANNs that give people a feeling for how todays LLMs came to be. Definitely something for educational purposes only.
The package isn't up on npm since their had/have a signup and signin issue plus I don't think many people would be interested in this. I also make no guarantee that this is relevant nor that the terminology is correct.
I learnt a lot about how Node-RED works under the hood, especially the server<-->frontend communication and in the end, that was the most useful learning doing this project. That and creating my own nodes.
Example of what can be created:
(ANNs can be trained and executed, this is just Node-RED as drawing application!)