[Announce] node-red-contrib-ui-contextmenu

Hi, no problem to be late.
What you need is one or more callbacks injected into ui-table via msg.ui_control i.e.

    "customHeight": 18,
    "tabulator": {
        "columns": [
                "field": "expand",
                "headerTooltip": "click to expand more details",
                "headerContext": "function(e,column){ this.send({ui_control:{callback:'headerContext'},position:{\"x\":e.x,\"y\":e.y},payload:column.getFieled()}); e.preventDefault(); }"

The function in a more readable format you can define for every column, cell or row ... (this one only reacts on context (right) clicks on the header

var headerContext= function (e, column) {
        {ui_control: { callback: 'headerContext' },
         position: { "x":e.x,"y":e.y},

there is a cellContext or rowContext too with slightly different parameters