- You can now use this node to show historical data.
(added support to states with timestamps) - You can clear the data by sendng an empty array.
- Option to show custom label (string) while not enough data for widget to present the graphics.
Added option to use persitent storage
Many thanks to @Paul-Reed
Hi @hotNipi,
Congratulations with your work (again)!
These are the kind of nodes that makes Node-RED even more fun to play with ...
Two questions about it:
An example use case about the last request: Suppose I have stored in a directory mp4 files (with recordings from my ip camera). Depending on the available files (and their content), it would be nice if "some" intervals would be clickable:
When an interval is clicked => an output message is send => the next node in my flow could open the video and start playing it in the dashboard.
Looking forward to get any thoughts about this ...
Thank you @BartButenaers
For examples, yes I can make and add them. I just thought that infopage covers the needs
If you want to use the widget to show historical data, you need to pass in every state together with its timestamp.
msg.payload = {state:true,timestamp:1579362774639}
For clickable intervals, I think there will be another widget (or maybe option for state-trail to behave in clickable manner which I think I dont like as it makes it kind of messy). Mainly because of performance reasons. To achieve best performance, currently there is only one element, colored with gradient. That gradient is calculated at server side, html gets only values to generate that gradient. It will be way too complicated thing (for me at least) to figure out what to send out with the click.
So for clickable, there will be multiple elements and they can carry some id-s and then the click option is easy enough to provide.
And I'd like to hear about is there more possible use cases or or bright ideas what kind of features such kind of widget should provide
Ah, didn't knew that. That is a clever solution...
Then my request indeed becomes hard to implement
Will need to think about that. Hopefully other community members overwhelm you now with great ideas, to get you started implementing yet another cool UI node
For you @BartButenaers is given the hardest thing in the new ui-widget development journey.
The thing needs a name
Hey @hotNipi,
a new (desperate) attempt to find some extra use cases
I see that other systems (like Openhab, Home Assistant, ...) not only use their timeline charts for showing 'history', but also to setup their system 'now' or even the 'future'...
Setup 'now': Suppose you show the history of a light (on/off):
Currently (= 1:00 PM) the light is OFF. But perhaps if you could click on that last interval, you could switch it to ON ...
Setup the 'future': For example in Openhab they use the timeline to setup a heating profile:
Suppose you could click on an interval, we could show my node-red-contrib-ui-contextmenu node (at least when your output message should also contain the click coordinates) to show a popup menu with following options:
Or - instead of a context menu - we could also fill some fields in the dashboard, based on your output message data:
About the 'history' example I gave above (for my video recordings). If I could click on a recording interval, I could also display a popup menu with:
for setting my heating profiles I use a different approach using what is already in the dashboard toolbox (slider, chart, buttons, drop down, text):
For every room I have this panel:
topic (sometimes a quick look into the source helps ;).The project isn't finished because I was moved to other projects (developing the homie node and other things) and had limited time. Still a lot of things to do but already in use. Beside bug fixes mainly program the thermostats with the edited schedule to get them running independently is on my to do list. But exactly this feature is not documented!
Hi Chris,
nice project ! I have bookmarked it
But there are multiple ways to Rome ...
And having a clickable timeline would be another way to go ...
Sure and I will use the timeline to program my sprinkler system because it has to deal with boolean values over time. And the clickable feature would be great here too. Especially when it comes to Ui design there are may ways to Rome as you said.
My goals here where
Instead of rolling out a custom node (which would be easier if I only had more html css knowledge) there are many ways to tweak the panel to your needs. A custom node on the other hand could get rid of the sliders and do everything by taping and dragging on the curve or right click to add or delete points or even input precise values.
Finally I wanted to test how far I could get with the default dashboard and investigate the pros and cons (before I perhaps switch over to ui builder). In conclusion I decided to stay on the default dashboard mainly because it is not a monolithic block and integrates perfectly in the Node-RED concept of putting basic nodes together to build something that fits your needs.
Only an Idea: instead of building in functionality into this node perhaps there is a way of implementing callbacks to make this possible.
I recently made a PR to expose the callbacks of tabulator sitting behind the ui-table node to make this functionality available inside Node-RED.
Well this is what I think of when I hear timeline - http://simile.mit.edu/timeline/
(which is very clickable
Very good example. Makes my question 4 statement solid as rock.
Hey @hotNipi,
Your questions sound like music in my ears
Personally I would make such a widget single line, and if somebody want overlaps then he can always combine multiple of such single line widgets? Although such flows might become much more complex for people that need overlaps... Have you seen already (IOT?) use cases for overlaps?
About the data formats. Perhaps the end/duration should be optional. If no end/duration supplied:
If the data is collected as live stream of events, no need for endings. It can managed as state-trail does for states. New state ends previous. Simple enough. But if you need to present some time related events created and stored as individual data chunks but having start and end time, you then miss the gap recording between them. So for such data the gap calculation should somehow be possible. And without end time or duration there is no way.
By supporting the start/end or start/duration format the overlap may just happen. But should the situation then be graphically covered nicely (having no bright idea how to do it) or it should be treated as not supported case.
Only some ideas... please take what you think is useful or doable:
And many more, sorry you asked
I love challenges. But I really don't have couple of next years free
As I have little or no knowledge of html/css and such things I would warp something around what is already existing
But it is certainly less fun.