[ANNOUNCEMENT] Dropbox node versie 2.1.0 (beta) - refresh token refactored

I had a similar issue last week when I used the dropbox app from @Paul-Reed to test. But then I switched to my own app and the issue hasn't occured anymore.

I am not using Dropbox myself so I am not a specialist. But read this somewhere:
If you have created your own Dropbox app, you can only connect to it from one domain and for 1 Dropbox account. However you can increase the number of accounts/domains without applying for production by clicking on 'Enable additional users' in the App Console (Login - Dropbox).

I suspect this was my problem: Paul had accessed his test dropbox account via domain A (e.g. https;//domain.from.paul) and I wanted to access the same dropbox account via domain B (e.g. https://domain.from.bart). Which seems not to be allowed. Did you do anything similar in your test?

The setting looks like this in my own Dropbox account, so I assume I can also use it only via one domain:

I have no clue. I haven't used node-fetch in my code. I see here that the dropbox (sdk) library uses @types/node-fetch as a peer dependency. But I haven't changed anything about that: the dropbox node was already using the dropbox javascript sdk library in the past.

I assume it now occurs for you because here it seems that the dropbox SDK uses node-fetch to refresh the access token (based on your refresh token).

But I don't use npm enough to troubleshoot this. Hopefully somebody else can give some tips...
Should I perhaps add the node-fetch library as a dependency to the dropbox node?

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