But there isn't a flow palette manager - don't get me wrong, flows @ flows.nodered.org is great centralisation and sharing of knowledge. But it lacks the integration into Node-RED the editor. I am not criticising, I'm just making aware of parallels: I can install nodes in Node-RED, why can't I install flows into Node-RED? (Ok, I can install example flows from node packages using the importer ...)
I could say the same for collections - how can I quickly install a collection into Node-RED without copying each flow and importing each flow?
I don't want to go-it-alone with flowhub.org, I want to demonstrate features that might be useful for others and with that, have a proof-of-concept that works. Admittedly I removed the "download flow button" from flowhub because I wanted to use a different workflow, i.e., an integrated workflow within Node-RED. Nodes have to be installed to install flows, yes but I don't have to leave Node-RED to install them.
If I install packages in Linux, I don't download stuff from a website (although that was typical before the days of package managers), I want to have an integrated environment: apt-get install banana
I would - personally speaking - like to have a more collaborative development within the Node-RED community. FlowHub allows that - not very easily admittedly, but someone can pull a flow, then push changes to that flow, which I in-turn can install and modify and upload again. All without leaving Node-RED. (GitHub integration is inbuilt so there is nothing lost.)
Hence there are three nodes for FlowHub:
Pull to get a flow, diff to check what changed locally compared to the version currently at flowhub and thirdly a push put up a new version of the flow.
Documentation for a flow is the tab info details, so I can describe a flow within Node-RED and have that documentation appear at flowhub.
A future direction I can imagine is remote execution: flowhub could become an execution engine (much as a lambda function of AWS fame) whereby I upload a flow and then can execute that flow - remotely - using a remote execution node within my Node-RED instance. Just an idea that I had. (Spoiler: In fact I've already tried it and works now - see this flow which uses a raspberry pi and node-red as the execution engine)
That, for me, is making flows first-class passengers on airplane Node-RED!