New Node-RED Editor?

Are you building a new editor for Node-RED?

What do you mean?

I just want to know if there are plans for a new editor

Do you think there is a need?

Not really. It was just a question someone planted in my head and I wanted to verify if that was true or not.

Will be an interesting weekend project however (just for kicks of course)
Given the editor is (mostly) a mask over the Admin API.

Samsung for example - wrapped their own UI over the API

Could be fun todo as a personal learning exercise

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It reminds me of something...

But this is unfamiliar

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I think they developed it for those with Smart Appliances made By Samsung.
I think they have a set of nodes embedded, that connects to your Smart Cloud Connected Samsung Appliances.

  • Hoods
  • Tumble Driers
  • Washing Machines
  • Refrigerators
  • and so on

When you login, these embedded nodes, list your appliances.
a topic not related to this thread of course - but if one wanted to have their own UI - entirely possible

Did they open source that? I guess not :frowning:

Strangely I assumed this question was about monaco v. ace v. some other editor widget. Completely forgot that Node-RED frontend is the editor.

I've done some modifications for embedding videos and images into the editor for my Node-RED-as-mind-map idea and have to say its not that difficult to modify the editor. But then again I didn't re-thema it in anyway.

Btw having a look at the open source licenses:

Weirdly there appears to be no mention of Node-RED, only the sub-projects.

@gregorius has raised an interesting point. I assumed you meant the flow editor. Perhaps you meant the code editor used when writing function nodes.
The code editor was changed from ace to monaco with (I think) NR version 3.x.

By editor he means the frontend not the function editor.

How do you know?

Because this is a topic that Allan has already discussed in several places.

Ah, insider knowledge!

Yes - Agreed!

But it really is just an alternative cloak over the HTTP Admin API, that Node RED hosts.
The editor itself, is a package separated from the guts over the runtime (with some magic dust of course)

Disclaimer :sweat_smile: : Do some research on my assumptions - room for error of course

I asked this question because someone told me that maybe there is a new editor being built. I wanted to verify if that was true

Are you referring to the Samsung frontend? It's definitely a clone of the Node-RED frontend, no doubt about it. If you check the frontend JS code, it seems they have replaced RED with SASM, e.g.,

SASM.nodes.registerType('comment', {
  category: 'Process',
  color: 'rgba(25,195,40,0.75)',
  defaults: {
    name: {
      value: ''
    info: {
      value: ''
  inputs: 0,
  outputs: 0,
  icon: 'comment.svg',
  label: function label() {
    return || '';
  labelStyle: function labelStyle() {
    return ? 'node_label_italic' : '';
  info: function info() {
    return ( ? '# ' + + '\n' : '') + ( || '');
  oneditprepare: function oneditprepare() {
    var that = this;
    this.editor = SASM.editor.createEditor({
      id: 'node-input-info-editor',
      mode: 'ace/mode/markdown',
      value: $('#node-input-info').val()
  oneditsave: function oneditsave() {
    delete this.editor;

and if you look at the network traffic, its the same structure as Node-RED, i.e. a node.json is retrieved, a nodes.html is retrieved ... etc

Hang on, perhaps Node-RED is actually a clone of the Samsung automation studio ... hm :thinking:

Also does anyone know whether Samsung is maintaining the studio? I ask because I got this message:

when adding a bixby component.

In addition the whole studio is still beta:

Haha, no Node-RED was originally created by Nick and Dave at IBM.

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I use the node-red-contrib-samsung-automation-studio-nodes, which is of course the 'normal' version of the clone referred to here, made by the same developers.
This UI did originally have the role for a user to make a personalised "Smart App", which could be integrated into the Smartthings app on the phone. The whole Smart App concept now seems to be losing protagonism.
Additionally since 1/1/2025 the PAT used for linking to the API has a 24 hour life rendering it impractical for any form of automation. I contacted them and their reply seem to indicate that they were very unclear about their future.

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The nodes are included on It seems to be compatible with Node-red v1.2.9 and was updated just 4 years ago

This project is to share the node for open source NodeRED developed by Samsung Automation Studio team to the community. 
If you are using nodered, you can easily install the node we provide. 

It does seem to install successfully via Node-red package manager and there are some interesting features, eg a single db config node (visible in the editor) covering MariaDB, MySQL and PostgreSQL