Are there? Who decides that? FlowFuse might see a redesign as more important since their customers want one - do we have influence on their feature prios? And honestly: that's fine - from my perspective. FlowFuse can utilise their resources as they like. But please just tell me that!
That's the point I'm kind of trying to make: please communicate the prios (based on how FlowFuse plans their resources) so that people have a clear understanding where this journey is going.
I say that because before people invest their time and energy in creating PRs that will go nowhere, it should be clear what will and what won't come into the core of Node-RED - based on the requirements and feature prios of FlowFuse.
There is no better way to get a contributor to leave the project than having their PRs seemingly ignored. That need not be the case. On the other hand, a new contributor would also be put off by the nearly 100 open PRs currently. Sorry for being very blunt here but it's not unthinkable that a contributor could be put off by so many open PRs.
In addition, how would it be possible for people from the community to prioritise PRs if they don't know what FlowFuse wants? So this will always remain a task to be performed by FlowFuse resources or "insiders".
For me, that is perfectly clear and that's why I don't bother putting up PRs, I rather create custom nodes. But for others who are new to the project this isn't so clear. So that could also be part of the communication for new contributors: start with custom nodes instead of PRs (if you, as contributor, want instant gratification).
I say all this from the perspective of the Node-RED project: what would person new to the project think? How to win them over to Node-RED? And here, surely the community and FlowFuse must be united: the more people getting interested in Node-RED (for whatever reason) and sticking with it, the better for all. There is competition and Node-RED isn't the only kid on the block (perhaps the best, most flexible and most mature but not the only).
And NO I am not criticising anyone, not Nick, not FlowFuse, not Dave and not the community. Instead, for the good of the project, this is my opinion: it is important to have clear communication about the goals of the project and even if that means that Node-RED development is driven by FlowFuse prios then communicate that - I'd rather know that than have PRs become digital-dust-gathering zombies (sorry for the bluntness).
In a worse case scenario - and NO this is not what I would want to happen - some large FANG MEGA Corp (FaMeCop) will come along, fork the project renaming it to XYZ (pronounced "zipper") and start streamlining the development process using their resources and thereby forking the community.
There are many "open source" projects driven and developed - mainly - by employees of FaMeCop, this isn't SciFi. If FaMeCop wants to do this, they will do it - with or without consideration of the rest of us. On the other hand, if FlowFuse has plans for being bought out by FaMeCop then that might also happen - creating perhaps OpenNode-RED ... NetNode-RED and Node-RED (BSD anyone?
The point here is that even if all these scenarios sound crazy and absurd, from my perspective they are all possible --> money has no morals.