New Node-RED Editor?

Six months or am I looking at the wrong package?

The corresponding repo shows constant but minimal development ... so its not completely dodo'ified.

Sounds like there needs to be a flow that automates the renewal and replacement of the PAT (personal access token I assume). (<--- that's was a joke ;))

Still pity that they didn't open source the editor they created, would be nice to see what they did.

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Yeah - I seem to remember they forked it without asking (which they are perfectly entitled to do) - and we did try contacting them to see if they wanted to "join the project" and contribute back publicly -- but heard nothing so :person_shrugging: - But hey they are well known for reskinning Android etc etc so all good.

There have been quite a few other forks and reskinning for other products use over the years.

Can that be done? The HA users are all up in arms as they've lost their integration while the comented change to a OAuth is not confirmed. Long thread on this here in on the ST forum.

Rule number 1: Don't rely on manufacturers to keep supporting their proprietary cr*p-ware.



Worst case scenario: headless browser fed with login data & automatically generated 2FA token ... the last time I did anything like that, selenium was the tool of choice for doing browser automation. No idea what one uses today.

Hm - does that also apply to Node-RED and FlowFuse? I have the feeling that only things that FlowFuse wants to maintain are added to Node-RED, but that's just a feeling.

At least the last time I checked the PRs for NR there are quite a lot there that just seem to be in limbo. My personal example is exec with stdin which remains open, uncommented and in limbo even though I created the PR at the request of @dceejay. Crazy.

I have no problems if that PR gets rejected or something is missing or whatever - but there are no updates, no comments and no status on the PR - it's just sitting there gathering digital dust. So I'm left to assume what ....? Assume that FlowFuse drives the development of NR and what they want is what we get.

That's my personal assumption on having my PR become a limbo'lised digital-dust-gathering zombie PR modification. I don't imply that's the case for everyone nor that this personal assumption reflects the reality outside of my personal take on reality.

DISCLAIMER: This is one developers assumptions based on their experiences. Take this to be as a scientist derives a theory based on their observations - this is what I have done and my theory might will be incorrect.

I.e. don't flame me for presenting my POV which I know the majority here will disagree with.

EDIT: There are also others that write about the influence of corporations on open source software. So don't believe that this is limited to only "proprietary" software.

The editor looks nice but I don't like the nodes at all. I like being able to set the color of my nodes.

There are also a lot of improvements that can be made to the Sidebar like pinning.

Oh dear, nothing on the Node-red blog, nothing on the Node-red forum and the only available vote is yes.

Not being on X I can't comment there so I will here.'

My vote is NO,


I agree. I think, as Gerrit has alluded to, that there are far more critical things to be working on.


It is certainly true that commercial needs inevitably have to play some part. It is a balancing act to improve the open source part AND improve the commercial part. And, of course, there is never enough resource to do everything.

As Node-RED continues to grow in popularity and reach, this problem compounds. More people want to help which adds pressure to the core devs and more of their time needs to be spent reviewing PR's as well as developing the core.

I believe this is a moment that many open source projects take a wobble. The real question is:

How can more people get involved with core development without compromising quality.

Without dealing with this, the development of Node-RED is quite likely to stall. (going on previous experience).

Am away in holiday, so can't easily jump into this discussion at the moment.

My quick answer to this question; there are lots of PRs awaiting review and consideration. Anyone could get involved by helping there. I'm very aware I can't keep as on top of the backlog as I'd like. Some PRs are easier to handle than others. Some need more revision and it takes time to provide that feedback in a constructive way.

I regularly scan through recent PRs to try to keep things moving; but some PRs do drop lower in the list and don't get the attention they should.

If there are particular PRs people think are languishing for attention, please do comment on them, tagging me. Nothing will happen this week whilst I'm trying to switch off with the family, but I'll do a triage next week and get things moving.


Whoopsie :sweat_smile: :wink: :nerd_face:

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Sorry Nick - inevitable that these things come up when someone critical is away! :slight_smile:

In my professional work, I would call for a workshop to get interested parties together round a virtual table to see what might be done. That might be something to think about.

From a personal perspective, I might well be happy to take a more active role in PR's but it is hard to know how much help (rather than hindrance) my views might be. It would really help to talk through possible processes so that things are clearer remembering that most of us, even though we've been involved for a long time, are still "outsiders" in respect to the core.


Are there? Who decides that? FlowFuse might see a redesign as more important since their customers want one - do we have influence on their feature prios? And honestly: that's fine - from my perspective. FlowFuse can utilise their resources as they like. But please just tell me that!

That's the point I'm kind of trying to make: please communicate the prios (based on how FlowFuse plans their resources) so that people have a clear understanding where this journey is going.

I say that because before people invest their time and energy in creating PRs that will go nowhere, it should be clear what will and what won't come into the core of Node-RED - based on the requirements and feature prios of FlowFuse.

There is no better way to get a contributor to leave the project than having their PRs seemingly ignored. That need not be the case. On the other hand, a new contributor would also be put off by the nearly 100 open PRs currently. Sorry for being very blunt here but it's not unthinkable that a contributor could be put off by so many open PRs.

In addition, how would it be possible for people from the community to prioritise PRs if they don't know what FlowFuse wants? So this will always remain a task to be performed by FlowFuse resources or "insiders".

For me, that is perfectly clear and that's why I don't bother putting up PRs, I rather create custom nodes. But for others who are new to the project this isn't so clear. So that could also be part of the communication for new contributors: start with custom nodes instead of PRs (if you, as contributor, want instant gratification).

I say all this from the perspective of the Node-RED project: what would person new to the project think? How to win them over to Node-RED? And here, surely the community and FlowFuse must be united: the more people getting interested in Node-RED (for whatever reason) and sticking with it, the better for all. There is competition and Node-RED isn't the only kid on the block (perhaps the best, most flexible and most mature but not the only).

And NO I am not criticising anyone, not Nick, not FlowFuse, not Dave and not the community. Instead, for the good of the project, this is my opinion: it is important to have clear communication about the goals of the project and even if that means that Node-RED development is driven by FlowFuse prios then communicate that - I'd rather know that than have PRs become digital-dust-gathering zombies (sorry for the bluntness).

In a worse case scenario - and NO this is not what I would want to happen - some large FANG MEGA Corp (FaMeCop) will come along, fork the project renaming it to XYZ (pronounced "zipper") and start streamlining the development process using their resources and thereby forking the community.

There are many "open source" projects driven and developed - mainly - by employees of FaMeCop, this isn't SciFi. If FaMeCop wants to do this, they will do it - with or without consideration of the rest of us. On the other hand, if FlowFuse has plans for being bought out by FaMeCop then that might also happen - creating perhaps OpenNode-RED ... NetNode-RED and Node-RED (BSD anyone? :thinking: )

The point here is that even if all these scenarios sound crazy and absurd, from my perspective they are all possible --> money has no morals.

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Creating custom nodes will work for the individual that creates them. Sometimes it also happens that a particular creation has a wider interest. Done that myself in previous time and sometimes what I shared was very much appreciated and installed by many. But the problem is if this becomes the route, to overcome limitations in the main, the further evolution of the same might suffer. A lot of variants of the theme "inventing the wheel again" will happen

I think a key to a long life of any platform is focus, strong support of it and visible progress, then it will also attract contributors

For me personally, I'm not a contributor of nodes and such and I have no clue how "things" are being prioritized so I can't really say what is missing. So far Node-RED is a great platform and I have not really been limited in my visions of what I wanted to create