I'm attempting to install the firebase package in a function node in my FlowFuse instance (the existing node-red-contrib-firebase palette is too old), but I'm getting the following error message:
I've done some research on the npm WARN config production Use --omit=dev instead error message, and have tried setting NPM_CONFIG_PRODUCTION=true as a potential fix.
Has anyone tried using this package or found a solution to a similar error message?
I did look through the other node options for firebase. Unfortunately, they're either too specific for realtime database, firestore, messaging, etc, or just too old.
Our FlowFuse instance is running in the cloud, and we're not using any drivers.
Bummer - I appreciate you attempting to install and use it, though!
Given that the firebase team has made so many changes over time, I didn't really consider anything older than a year. I can go back and look closer to see what capabilities they have.