Authentication using passport-jwt

I'm trying to setup authentication using the passport-jwt strategy, but am so far having now luck. I want to pass the JWT token as a query parameter for authentication
I first tried using the passports fromUrlQueryParameter extractor with a very simple verifier:

  type: "strategy",
  strategy: {
  	name: "jwt",
  	label: 'Authenticate via JWT token',
  	strategy: require("passport-jwt").Strategy,
  	options: {
  		secretOrKey : "<secret>",
  		jwtFromRequest: require('passport-jwt').ExtractJwt.fromUrlQueryParameter("token"),
  		verify: function(jwt_payload, done) {
  			console.log("JWT_PAYLOAD was :" + jwt_payload);
  			return done(null, "Andrew");

I hit http://localhost:1880/auth/strategy?token=my_valid_token and I just get bounced to a login page with a button to login. The clicking the button just lands me back at the login page. Nothing is logged from the verify function.

I thought I'd try to verify the strategy is getting invoked by replacing the extractor with my own function that includes some logging:

  type: "strategy",
  strategy: {
  	name: "jwt",
  	label: 'Authenticate via JWT token',
  	strategy: require("passport-jwt").Strategy,
  	options: {
  		secretOrKey : "<secret>",
  		jwtFromRequest: function(req) {
  			console.log("jwtFromRequest called with:" + req.query.token);
  			return req.query.token;
  		verify: function(jwt_payload, done) {
  			console.log("JWT_PAYLOAD was :" + jwt_payload);
  			return done(null, "Andrew");

This DOES log my token, but I still see nothing logged from the verify function and I get bounced to the login panel.

Any suggestions about what I might be doing wrong?

I've also tried just hitting http://localhost:1880/?token=my_token and http://localhost:1880/auth/strategy/callback?token=my_token

Same result.

Hi @acoulson2000

the Strategy authentication type is only intended for OAuth/OpenID based strategies that require the user to be redirected to a 3rd party site to do the authentication. passport-jwt doesn't fit that model.

We are currently working on a new addition to the adminAuth configuration that can be used to validate requests using an externally generated token, rather than require it to use a token generated by Node-RED.

The current design assumes the token is provided by HTTP header - but I see your want to provide it via a query parameter. That is something we could consider incorporating into the design.

Hmm, timely proposal!

We don't strictly need the query parameter option, as we would be constructing the request from a service in the same domain, although it would certainly be nice.

How long would it typically take for a proposal like this to make it's way into a release?

I guess for the the time being, we can use a custom authenticator, post our JWT token in the password, and do our own validation.

There isn't really a 'typical' to cite :slight_smile:

In this instance, we know there is a specific need for it from the team who have contributed the design and there is a PR already in-flight - Add admin api authentication function by KazuhiroItoh · Pull Request #2479 · node-red/node-red · GitHub

So it definitely will be in Node-RED 1.1.0. I just don't yet have a timescale for when that release will be - probably within the next 2 months.

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