Bar Chart (Stacks)

Operating environment: NodeRed 4.0.2
Dashboard 2: 1.14.0
Processor: Raspberry PI 4b
Operating System: Raspbian 6.6.31

I am creating "Bar Chart" type graphs (Stacks).
When I prepare the msg.payload with the data to be displayed graphically, I notice that in the rendering phase for the first element of the series only, not all the data are taken, but only the first.
The only way I found to solve the problem is to repeat the first series, exactly the same as the first.
I tried the sample described in the documentation, with the same data provided, and for that too I get a result identical to mine: for the first year (2021) the data is not all present. If also in that sample, I double the first element, everything goes perfectly.

I can send a flow to reproduce the problem.


Gaetano_Bars_flows.json (6.5 KB)

Thanks for reporting this @Gaetano we are awarw and have it documented here:

Sorry Joe, I hadn't seen this post.

I can wait: I have a work-around (the first item is present twice).

No need to apologise, its not your job to keep an eye on our issues, much prefer people over-reporting here.

Was just sharing to make you aware of the issue to track for a fix, and that others have hit it too


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