Hi Bart,
I think you may have got the wrong-end-of-the-stick in respect of what you believe we are running is a... "small warehouse management system" it is in fact a "global multi-national corporate warehousing system" running off of one of my spare Raspberry Pi Zero model 1 devices (ha, ha).
General view of the inventory on floor-AA-bay-11 in the UK Corporate HQ.
I spotted a Youtube video, about a year or so ago, where a guy placed an LED above each drawer in his plastic cabinet.When he did a "part request" the appropriate LED flashed to show the bin-location. I haven't got enough spare time or enthusiasm to implement such a system!!
... indeed - one of the first things I made was the "boss-o-matic" (TM) detector...
It was connected to the internal corporate chat tool api and had green and red leds to indicate if my boss was online (away) or online (in office).
Aren't those "smart freezers" already on the market?
But regarding the main topic, an inventory database has been on my to-do list for ages. I had plenty of ideas over the years, but never got the time nor the mood to get started (Barcodes and a scanner was one of them)
I ended up keeping most of my stuff in transparent IKEA boxes like our friend Andreas from Switzerland.