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Hi Bart,
I think you may have got the wrong-end-of-the-stick in respect of what you believe we are running is a... "small warehouse management system" it is in fact a "global multi-national corporate warehousing system" running off of one of my spare Raspberry Pi Zero model 1 devices (ha, ha).

General view of the inventory on floor-AA-bay-11 in the UK Corporate HQ.

Detailed view of a small part of the inventory on floor-AA-bay-11 in the UK Corporate HQ


Where's all the robot stacker trucks?


Hmm, envisioning some aluminium extrusion with stepper motors al-la 3d-printer style with a picker arm - sounds perfectly doable!


And with that skynet was born, who would imagine it started at Dave's abode.

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I have about 400 similar draws on my bench.
So if I get 400 solenoids, I could do something like the parcel drop boxes, and have it push the draw out so I can find what I'm looking for :wink:


I spotted a Youtube video, about a year or so ago, where a guy placed an LED above each drawer in his plastic cabinet.When he did a "part request" the appropriate LED flashed to show the bin-location. I haven't got enough spare time or enthusiasm to implement such a system!!


Really spooky :ghost: you should say that... as I have a private MQTT remote broker called 'skynet'.

OK its going all a bit Wallace and Gromit now


Isn't that what Node-RED was designed for! :rofl:


... indeed - one of the first things I made was the "boss-o-matic" (TM) detector...
It was connected to the internal corporate chat tool api and had green and red leds to indicate if my boss was online (away) or online (in office).


:sigh: another thing to add to the retirement activity list - I really need to put together a tools and supplies DB and dashboard.

Tracking what I've got, where it is stored if not in use, where it is used otherwise. Links to docs/info.

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Never mind the outness of bosses and whereabouts of resistors, can we have a gadget to indicate the status of key Trump/Biden allies?

At least a 3 colour LED required - "In office", "In gaol", "Spending time with family"

The data can probably be derived from Twitter although it may not be impartial.

Imagine actually knowing what's in the freezer! :slight_smile:

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Aren't those "smart freezers" already on the market? :thinking:

But regarding the main topic, an inventory database has been on my to-do list for ages. I had plenty of ideas over the years, but never got the time nor the mood to get started (Barcodes and a scanner was one of them) :see_no_evil:

I ended up keeping most of my stuff in transparent IKEA boxes like our friend Andreas from Switzerland.


Woooo - he has a lot of "stuff" including a beer brewing kit.

You may find a lot of interesting projects there. :innocent:

And very entertaining, too. :joy: