Hello there!
I am just beginning to explore the functionalities in Node-Red.
I was able to setup the connection to my openhab installation and also to connect to my Phillips Hue Hub and i am able to select scenes and turn on and off the lights via openhab thru node-red.
Now i would like to read the temperature sensor from one of my motion sensors from phillips and write the temperature to one item in openhab.
What do i have to do to write only the temperature to openhab (as a number) because in the payload of the temperature is more than only the temperature.. also fahrenheit, battery level and so on is submitted there.
{"payload":{"celsius":21.49,"fahrenheit":70.68,"updated":"2019-02-01T13:05:55+01:00"},"info":{"id":"24","uniqueId":"00:17:88:01:02:10:13:d8-02-0402","name":"Hue temperature sensor 1","type":"ZLLTemperature","softwareVersion":"","battery":81,"model":{"id":"SML001","manufacturer":"Philips","name":"Hue Motion Sensor","type":"ZLLPresence"}},"_msgid":"e34cc6da.11d628"}
Thank you allot in advance for your help!