Bigtimer command question

I have bigtimer set to do several timer functions and like the output verbosity. However I have a need to be able to inject a command to turn on the timer for X seconds occasionally when the timer is off. Looking through the scargill blogs and searching through the forum I have found a timer command where it says "send timer (X) to turn on for seconds or minutes" When I send the command it sets a time to turn on when I want to turn on the timer right now for a specified span of seconds or minutes. When I send msg = { timer: 30,} the timer tells me "OFF for 19 hours 13 minutes" The exact command eludes me or perhaps I misunderstand that the timer won't take that type of command? I have played with the timer for a while and there is a ton of information on it I am missing something.

edit: got it
msg.payload = 'timer 20';

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