Blue background color forced by "template" node style rule

There is a rule being applied by the "template" node that is causing issues for me when exporting SVG code from and importing it to node-red into the template node.

Issue is blue background color overwriting fill to some figures as well as filling concave part of curved lines. I tracked down the issue coming from the following style rule which is forced by the template node itself: {
.nr-dashboard-theme .nr-dashboard-template path {
. /* fill: #097479; */

Removing it restore the figure as it suppose to be.

You should be able to override that in your own SVG path quite easily. If necessary, use !important after the color specification and before the ; to force the browser to treat it more specifically.

Thank you for fast response! Just after posting it I was given a line by chatGPT (don't hate but I do not have any experience with HTML, SVG nor CSS before this project so walking in unknown territory):

      .nr-dashboard-theme .nr-dashboard-template path {
        fill: inherit;
        /* Or use a specific color, e.g., fill: #ff0000; */

Override the "blueish" background color disstortion. :slight_smile:

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Don't worry, I use it myself. Just recognise that it doesn't always give you a correct or even a "best" answer. It is "only" the wisdom of the masses after all. But I agree, it is immensely helpful and at least gives clues as to the right direction.

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