Caddy reverse proxy, node-red, and Tailscale

I am trying to get Caddy to do a reverse proxy using a specific port for some httpIn nodes as well as get my tailscale to let me in the Admin and UI areas. I just cannot get the right Caddyfile config. When I try different things either I get hangups on the httpIn nodes or i get disconnect errors on the tailscale access. {
        @websockets {
                header Connection *Upgrade*
                header Upgrade websocket

        reverse_proxy @websockets localhost:1880

} {
       @websockets {
               header Connection *Upgrade*
               header Upgrade websocket

        reverse_proxy @websockets localhost:1880


I do not use caddy very often, but are you exposing node-RED with a dedicate Root URL? something like http://localhost/nodered? If so you might want to adapt the settings.js file accordingly to make it reachable via the reverse proxy

I am using a dedicated httpAdminRoot in settings.js for node-red. I am not quite following what you are trying to tell me.

This is was the setting I was mentioning about. Do you have some logs from Caddy or your browser that might help solving this issue? Without them it is hard figure out what might be happening

There are no logs in the Caddy log dir. And what I get back from the browser is just a single line wrap.

If I remove the custom dir from settigns.js I get the same result.

I should mention that this is working for HttpIn nodes just fine.

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