Reverse proxy with Caddy webserver

Does anyone have specific instructions on how to reverse proxy node-red and node-red dashboard using Caddy v2 webserver? I have node-red installed installed in Home Assistant. I've been over on the Caddy forum and haven't had much luck. I've seen instructions on using Nginx to reverse proxy, but I'm not familiar with Nginx.

Steps so far:
Created cname for dns certificate lookup
Modified Caddyfile using cname and internal ip with port 1880/endpoint/ui

This results in the site not reachable.

I have other internal sites that are reachable, so I know that Caddy is working.


There should be some posts in this forum that cover Caddy. Can't really remember how comprehensive they were.

I did start trying to use Caddy myself at one point but reverted to NGINX as I hit some configuration complexities at some point and NGINX just seemed easier to deal with for complex settings.

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