Bottom Line: NodeRed is throws an API error when I try to use call a service from the "input_select" domain. Is this a missing feature or am I doing something wrong?
- the error: "Call-service API error. Error Message: Service not found."
- the node: Call Service Node
-- Domain: input_select
-- Service: input_select.select_option
-- Entity Id: input_select.primary_target_temp
-- Data: {"option": "Living Room"} - additional info: The input_select entity is configured and works perfectly on my frontend and in the 'services' developer tools. In NodeRed, when I start typing 'input' in the Domain field, the only autocomplete options are "input_boolean" and "input_datetime".
Background: I have multiple hue motion sensors around my house. I want to use their built-in thermometers to inform the thermostat to adjust the temperature for the room with the most recent motion event. I want to be able to adjust the primary target room from the frontend and from NodeRed.
Any help is greatly appreciated!