...so I can just use the name of subflow as an easy means of getting a parameter into the subflow?
No you cannot.
This gets asked quite often, so something we're aware of as a general requirement to consider what other things could/should be exposed to the Function node (or more widely as environment variables that can be accessed by jsonata/change node etc)
Ta for info
I'll work around by sticking a pre-process function node before the subflow and add its name as a property to the msg
This looks like an opportunity for a wish list: knowing the node-id of the subflow instance from within the subflow would be very helpful for traceability. Something like a call stack trace.
EDIT: Actually I just noticed that this has been improved with 1.1.0 over 1.0.0, so maybe it's already possible somehow. Debug nodes within a subflow now include a link back to the subflow instance. I don't recall reading this in the release notes, but it's very helpful.
I'll work around by sticking a pre-process function node before the subflow and add its name as a property to the msg
Why not add a "name" field to the ui of the subflow and use that instead ?
Because this is pretty much the first time I'm coming to using subflows
Can you export what you've done please, as I can't replicate getting subflow_name into the message
Because this is pretty much the first time I'm coming to using subflows
Got it
[{"id":"e35fa59e.d3186","type":"subflow","name":"Subflow 1","info":"","category":"","in":[{"x":92,"y":72,"wires":[{"id":"33a5823f.6b27ee"}]}],"out":[{"x":308,"y":72,"wires":[{"id":"33a5823f.6b27ee","port":0}]}],"env":[{"name":"name","type":"str","value":"","ui":{"label":{"en-US":"Name"},"type":"input","opts":{"types":["str"]}}}],"color":"#DDAA99"},{"id":"33a5823f.6b27ee","type":"function","z":"e35fa59e.d3186","name":"","func":"\nmsg.subflow_name = env.get(\"name\")\n\nreturn msg","outputs":1,"noerr":0,"x":194,"y":72,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"f20826aa.21034","type":"subflow:e35fa59e.d3186","z":"d971d6c8.294f9","name":"","env":[{"name":"name","value":"subflow with some name","type":"str"}],"x":444,"y":192,"wires":[["a0b9dd89.fe22"]]},{"id":"da2760ce.713518","type":"inject","z":"d971d6c8.294f9","name":"","topic":"","payload":"","payloadType":"date","repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"x":276,"y":192,"wires":[["f20826aa.21034"]]},{"id":"a0b9dd89.fe22","type":"debug","z":"d971d6c8.294f9","name":"","active":true,"tosidebar":true,"console":false,"tostatus":false,"complete":"true","targetType":"full","x":616,"y":192,"wires":[]}]
Check the function node in the subflow - it reads the environment variable. Also check the properties of the subflow, which is where you can configure the input elements - this is quite powerful for reusable subflows with their own properties.
Got it (I think)
Really got it now
No _ i don;t think I've quite got it yet when trying out in my subflow
I'm getting strange behaviour when I try and add this method into my existing 1.1.0 subflow
But, like I say - I'm new to subflows so I need to start from the beginning again
So I'm going to a small test on an existing 1.0.6 install and see if that works OK
Then try another 1.1.0 machine and see what happens there
Ok - created a subflow on a 1.0.3 instance and everthing worked smoothly and as expected and I've got my logging subflow working fine using a env value as its parameter as to what topic to set in an MQTT logging message
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