Can I "host" stand-alone nodejs apps inside UIBuilder nodes? If so, should I?

Urm, you mean that you have reinvented Node-RED! :grinning:

Well the simple answer would be to use a standard Node-RED http-in/-out pair to define an /api/:id endpoint set.

Yes, kind of struggling to see why this would be better/easier than using Node-RED itself?

uibuilder is generally geared up to do data over websockets ( strictly speaking) rather than REST API's. Node-RED already does REST API's really well. You could easily set your http-in node to have a URL pattern of /myapp/api/:id, uibuilder wouldn't object or get in the way at all as long as you don't create a uibuilder web page with the matching URL. At least I think it wouldn't, I've not tested that scenario.

I think that we would firstly need to look at why this might be better than the http-in/-out nodes if I'm being honest. If there is a good reason, happy to consider it.