Cannot read Tim551 Laser data from node red tcp in node. Flow is shown below. any help would be really appreciated!
send command in function node: msg.payload = "\02"+"sRN LMDscandata"+"\03";
But nothing receives.
Cannot read Tim551 Laser data from node red tcp in node. Flow is shown below. any help would be really appreciated!
send command in function node: msg.payload = "\02"+"sRN LMDscandata"+"\03";
But nothing receives.
The red triangle on the function node tell's you there is a programming error
@homeplayer is there any syntax error here? that triangle because of this \02 and \03 right?
thanks for the reply. but I have noticed that correct command goes to the sensor and it sending data stream. but my tcp in node cannot receive it.
Use double backslashes like "\\02"
As you are sending a command and waiting for a reply, maybe use the tcp-request node instead
@dceejay yeah it worked. thanks a lot. here is the flow for those who wanna learn..
thanks a lot everyone!
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