Case triggered storing

Quite simple: msg.payload.inputList = inputNumber;

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Especially the part about messages in the user guide. Some valuable tips in there.

OK so you mean something like that? if (risingEdge) { return msg.payload.inputList = inputNumber;}
than this will happen "TypeError: Cannot create property '_msgid' on number '1'"

Thanks also to Steve-Mcl
appreciate that!

with that construction you are returning just the inputNumber... you need to return the whole msg object... so maybe

if (risingEdge) { msg.payload.inputList = inputNumber; return msg; }

or if you really just want the number

if (risingEdge) { msg.payload = inputNumber; return msg; }

Hello, now I want to detect falling edges of my inputs too. For rising edges this code:

const risingEdge = actualValues.reduce((acc, value, index) => {
if (value && !previousInputs[index]) inputNumber.push(index + 1);
return acc || (value && !previousInputs[index]);
}, false);

works totally fine.
What would I have to change now?

Thanks in advance.

If you want to detect rising edges and falling edges then you just have to look for a change. Feed the value through an RBE node and whenever you get a message then the value has changed. If you need it only when it has changed by more than a certain amount then the RBE node will do that too.

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