Hi folks,
I have been messing with Modbus coms and have it working now.
However I am using buffer objects to change between number formats and realised I don't know how to check what format a number in node red actually is.
Obviously if I inject or read from somewhere a value that is not an integer then it must be a float, 32bit I assume.
However where a type isn't implicit, from how would I determine what the underlying structure is?
For example I have a node package for Victron equipment installed, some of those nodes return values that are always whole numbers but I suspect it is not safe to assume that those will be doubles whilst the majority of values are clearly floats.
I am used to PLC's and structured languages that require you to know, or define, how a value is to be represented and I am confused, probably missing something, as to how this stuff is handled in Node Red.
I would really appreciate someone telling me what fundamental nugget of information have manage to overlook this time