Hello everyone...
I am working on a project with a countdown/timer. I call a function every second via setInterval(). When I edit the node in the editor an deploy, cleaInterval() is not stopping the function. The function is called two times per second. One Instance is out of context.
The log outputs no error when restarting flows
What do I do wrong? Any ideas?
The code around setInterval() and clearInterval()
// run ticker every second
var tick = setInterval(ticker, 1000, node.status);
// kill the ticker
node.on("close", function () {
if (tick) { clearIntervall(tick); }
clearInterval() without the second german "l" didn't solve the problem.
node.on("close", function () {
if (tick) { clearInterval(tick); }
the same: two ticks per second.
The whole js-file...
module.exports = function (RED) {
function UIMainswitchNode (config) {
RED.nodes.createNode(this, config);
// which group are we rendering this widget
const group = RED.nodes.getNode(config.group);
const base = group.getBase();
// states
const TIMER_UNDEF = null;
const TIMER_ON = true;
const TIMER_OFF = false;
const INPUT_UNDEF = null;
const INPUT_ON = true;
const INPUT_OFF = false;
const AUTO_UNDEF = null;
const AUTO_ON = true;
const AUTO_OFF = false;
const OUT_ON = true;
const OUT_OFF = false;
const TIMER_RUNNING = true;
const TIMER_NOT_RUNNING = false;
// Parser for boolean Input
true: INPUT_ON,
false: INPUT_OFF,
'true': INPUT_ON,
'false': INPUT_OFF,
'on': INPUT_ON,
'off': INPUT_OFF,
'null': INPUT_UNDEF,
// Parser for MainSwitch Input
0: 0,
1: 1,
2: 2,
3: 3,
'OFF': 0,
'Off': 0,
'off': 0,
'ON': 1,
'On': 1,
'on': 1,
'AUTO': 2,
'Auto': 2,
'auto': 2,
'Countdown': 3,
'countdown': 3
// intervals for countdown in secs and text
{ secs: 4, text: "4\"" },
{ secs: 7, text: "7\"" },
{ secs: 10, text: "10\"" },
{ secs: 15, text: "15\"" },
{ secs: 20, text: "20\"" },
{ secs: 30, text: "30\"" },
{ secs: 40, text: "40\"" },
{ secs: 50, text: "50\"" },
{ secs: 60, text: "1'" },
{ secs: 120, text: "2'" },
{ secs: 240, text: "4'" },
{ secs: 420, text: "7'" },
{ secs: 600, text: "10'" },
{ secs: 900, text: "15'" },
{ secs: 1200, text: "20'" },
{ secs: 1800, text: "30'" },
{ secs: 2400, text: "40'" },
{ secs: 3000, text: "50'" },
{ secs: 3600, text: "60'" },
{ secs: 5400, text: "90'" },
{ secs: 7200, text: '2h' },
{ secs: 14400, text: '4h' },
{ secs: 21600, text: '6h' },
{ secs: 28800, text: '8h' },
{ secs: 43200, text: '12h' },
{ secs: 64800, text: '18h' },
{ secs: 86400, text: '24h' },
{ secs: 172800, text: '48h' },
{ secs: 259200, text: '72h' },
// default colors
const COLORS = {
expansionPanelTitle: 'pink',
mainSwitch: ['red-darken-1', 'green-darken-1', 'blue-darken-1', 'black', 'white'],
mainSwitchAuto: {
false: {false: 'red-darken-1', true: 'green-darken-1', null: 'grey-darken-1'},
true: {false: 'red-lighten-3', true: 'green-lighten-3', null: 'grey-lighten-2'}
inhibition: ['brown-lighten-3', 'purple', 'grey'],
inhibitionToolbar: 'blue-lighten-3',
measurements: ['light-blue-lighten-3'],
autoIn: {false: 'light-blue-lighten-3', true: 'yellow-lighten-2'},
timerIn: {false: 'light-blue-lighten-3', true: 'yellow-lighten-2'},
feedback: {false: 'red-darken-1', true: 'green-darken-1', null: 'grey-darken-1'},
countdown: 'deep-purple',
eventToolbar: 'amber',
slider: 'amber',
plus: 'red',
activeActive: 'green',
activeInactive: 'red',
// helper function for calculating, on what weekday and what time an event occurs
function checkWeekdays(days, now, weekday, day, hours, minutes, state) {
var dates = []; // one item per day
// for every day
days.forEach(function (d, j) {
var date = new Date();
var dateDay = day - weekday + j;
if (date < now) date.setDate(dateDay + 7)
if (d == true) dates.push({ time: date, state: state }) //only if weekdayday is checked
return dates;
// calculate the next event to take place in the timer
function nextTakePlace(events) {
const now = new Date();
const weekday = now.getDay();
const day = parseInt(
Intl.DateTimeFormat('de-DE', { day: 'numeric' }).format(now)
var ntp = []; // one item per event and state (true/false)
// for every event
events.forEach(function (e, i) {
if (e.active === true) { // event active?
// get start and end, hors and minutes
var startHour = parseInt(e.startTime.split(':')[0])
var startMinute = parseInt(e.startTime.split(':')[1])
var endHour = parseInt(e.duration.split(':')[0]) + startHour
var endMinute = parseInt(e.duration.split(':')[1]) + startMinute
// generating "On" Times
ntp = ntp.concat(
checkWeekdays(e.day, now, weekday, day, startHour, startMinute, true)
// generating "Off" Times
ntp = ntp.concat(
checkWeekdays(e.day, now, weekday, day, endHour, endMinute, false)
if (ntp.length == 0) { // no events?
return [null, false];
} else {
// get the next event
var orderNtp = ntp.sort(function (a, b) {
return Date.parse(a.time) - Date.parse(b.time)
return orderNtp[0];
// to be executed every second: countdown running? event occurring?
function ticker (sta) {
var now = new Date();
// countdown
if (sta.countdownSec >= 0) { // active?
if (sta.countdownSec == 0) { // Countdown run down?
node.status.mainSwitch = node.lastMainSwitch; // set to last state before countdown
node.status.countdownSec = sta.countdownSec - 1; // count down
// timer events
if (node.timerNextEvent['time'] < now) { // event takes place?
node.status.auto = node.timerNextEvent['state']; // set state
node.status.timerIn = node.timerNextEvent['state'];
node.status.lastSetter = "timer"; // who did set that state?
updateEvents(); // generate next event
// calculate next time and state to display in widget
if (node.timerNextEvent['time']) {
node.status.timerNextEventSec = Math.floor((node.timerNextEvent['time'] - now) / 1000);
node.status.timerNextEventState = node.timerNextEvent['state'];
node.status.timerRunning = TIMER_RUNNING;
} else { // no event
node.status.timerNextEventSec = null;
node.status.timerRunning = TIMER_NOT_RUNNING;
// send to widget
// send status to widget
function updateStatus() { // update widget
base.emit('updateStatus:' + node.id, { payload: node.status }, node);
// calculate the next occurence of a timer event
function updateEvents() {
node.timerNextEvent = nextTakePlace(node.status.events)
// manage some things when the mainSwitch state changes
function setMainSwitch(input) {
// countdown?
if (input == 3 && node.status.interval !== undefined){
node.status.countdownSec = node.status.intervalSecs;
// preserv mainSwitch status for the next change from auto to ?
if (node.status.mainSwitch == 2) {
node.lastMainSwitch = 2;
node.status.switchToText = 'Auto';
} else {
node.lastMainSwitch = 0;
node.status.switchToText = 'Off';
node.status.mainSwitch = input;
// send output
function mainswitchOut(out) {
// output topic set?
if (node.topicOut !== "") {
node.send( {
payload: out,
topic: node.topicOut
} else {
payload: out
// bring the things together
function stateMachine() {
switch (node.status.mainSwitch) {
case 0:
node.status.countdownSec = -1; // reset Countdown (potentially)
case 1:
node.status.countdownSec = -1; // reset Coundown (potentially)
case 2:
if (node.status.auto === AUTO_ON) {
} else {
node.status.countdownSec = -1; // reset Countdown (potentially)
case 3:
default: // only for prevention
// manage all potential inputs
function parseBool(input) {
if (input in BOOL_INPUT_PARSER) {
return BOOL_INPUT_PARSER[input];
} else {
// merge the default setting objects with the config from html
function objectMerger(source, coloring) {
// is the current layer an object/array or not?
if (typeof(source) == 'object') {
// ist the current layer an object or array?
if (Array.isArray(source)) { // array
// something to replace?
if (coloring === undefined) {
return source;
} else {
var resultArray = [];
// walk through the elements of the array
source.forEach((el, i) => {
resultArray.push(objectMerger(source[i], coloring[i]));
return resultArray;
} else { // object
var resultObject = {}
// walk through the elements of the object
for(var key in source){
// something to replace?
if (coloring.hasOwnProperty(key)){
resultObject[key] = objectMerger(source[key], coloring[key]);
} else {
resultObject[key] = source[key];
return resultObject;
} else { // no object or array
// something to replace?
if (coloring !== undefined){
return coloring;
} else {
return source;
// server-side event handlers
const evts = {
onAction: true,
onInput: function (msg, send, done) {
// without topic -> mainSwitch
if (msg.topic == "") {
if (msg.payload in MAIN_INPUT_PARSER) { // parse all potential inputs
// with topic "interval" -> set the intervall for the countdown
if (msg.topic == "interval") {
var interval = parseInt(msg.payload);
if (interval >= 0 && interval <= TICK_INTERVAL.length) { // check the allouwed values
node.status.interval = interval;
//node.status.interval = TICK_INTERVAL[interval]['text'];
node.status.intervalSecs = TICK_INTERVAL[interval]['secs'];
updateStatus(); // to widget
// for feedback from actuator
if (node.topicFeedback != "" && msg.topic == node.topicFeedback) {
node.status.feedback = parseBool(msg.payload);
updateStatus(); // to widget
// for autoIn
if (node.topicAuto != "" && msg.topic == node.topicAuto) {
node.status.auto = parseBool(msg.payload); // for the stateMachine
node.status.autoIn = parseBool(msg.payload); // for the chip in the widget
node.status.lastSetter = "autoIn"; // highlight what input set auto
updateStatus(); // to widget
stateMachine(); // switch output?
onSocket: {
// widget sends change of mainSwitch
'downMainswitch': function (conn, id, msg) {
// console.info('"downMainswitch" received:', conn.id, id, msg)
// widget sends change of countdown interval
'downInterval': function (conn, id, msg) {
// console.info('"downInterval" received:', conn.id, id, msg)
node.status.interval = msg.payload;
node.status.intervalSecs = msg.secs;
updateStatus(); // to widget
// widget sends changes from timer event form
'downEvents': function (conn, id, msg) {
// console.info('"downEvents" received:', conn.id, id, msg)
node.status.events = msg.payload;
context.set('events', node.status.events); // store in context store
updateStatus(); // to widget
// widget askes for actual status
'update-status': function (conn, id, msg) {
// console.info('"update-status" received:', conn.id, id)
updateStatus() // to widget
// get config from html and prepare the node
this.topicOut = config.topicOut;
this.topicFeedback = config.topicFeedback;
this.topicAuto = config.topicAuto;
// variables for the node
this.timerNextEvent = {};
this.lastMainSwitch = 0;
this.status = {
mainSwitch: 0,
interval: 14,
intervalSecs: 1200,
feedback: INPUT_UNDEF,
countdownSec: -1,
switchToText: 'Off',
events: [],
timerRunning: TIMER_NOT_RUNNING,
timerNextEventSec: -1,
timerNextEventState: false,
lastSetter: ""
// extend config for the widget
config.tickInterval = TICK_INTERVAL;
config.colors = objectMerger(COLORS, JSON.parse(config.colorsCustom));
// console.log(JSON.stringify(COLORS))
// get context store
var context = this.context();
// this is the node
var node = this;
// load timer events from the context store
node.status.events = context.get('events') || [];
// run ticker every second
var tick = setInterval(ticker, 1000, node.status);
// kill the ticker
node.on("close", function () {
if (tick) { clearIntervall(tick); }
// inform the dashboard UI that we are adding this node
if (group) {
group.register(node, config, evts);
} else {
node.error('No group configured');
RED.nodes.registerType('ui-mainswitch', UIMainswitchNode);