Color one value in Node-Red Dashboard differently


I have a bar chart looking like this:


Is there a quick possibility to color one (or more) bars in different colors ?
This is a timeline and I would like to color the actual hour e.g. in green or in red.



I don't have much xp with dashboard, I only use it to monitor battery levels.
But I don't think there is an easy way out of the box.

You see, the topic serves as the timestamp I believe, and as each topic is different each time for your setup (time) there are many topics, not 2...

Where I was going, is to use 2 topics (isOnHour, isOffHour), and that will use the first 2 colour selections in the editor, but this will effect your setup considerably, and will remove the time values.

as said, my xp with dashboard is next to nil, so not to say someone doesn't have a way here.

Not really a quick way, or even that clean, you could stack the bar chart, and use Javascript or Jsonata to create the look, but will not be perfect.

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thanks to both of you !

this is a really good idea and I will solve it exactly that way
this gives additional possibilites I did not think about int he beginning

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hob did you manage to have this nice axis naming - that does not work for me at all


I would like to have date and hour on the bottom of the chart

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