Commercial e-commerce automation


I've been using NR for IOT like everyone else. During the day I work at a marketing technology firm. NR would be a killer ecommerce workflow tool. We are a SaaS business, and adopting NR would mean embedding it in our merchant portal, reskinning / theming it a bit, then locking down some of the interface.

Does anyone see any issues with this as long as the license terms were observed? I presume the license doesn't rule out using it in a SaaS offering?

We wouldn't be looking to hide that it's NR, the opposite, we'd be proud of it and would use it as a selling point and talk about it and promote it.


Indeed, the Apache 2 license is permissive, and as per the home page there is an ever growing list of companies willing to show that they are using it within their own offerings.

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