Hello again
I can get the minutes, Seconds Hours, day, month and year from my device, but I cant figure out how to make it readable. Any pointers please? Thanks
- Change the buffer parser to output a single value (disable fan out) & set the output type to
- Connect it to a function node containing...
const d = new Date(msg.payload.Year, msg.payload.Month-1, msg.payload.Day, msg.payload.Hour, msg.payload.Minutes, msg.payload.Seconds);
msg.payload = d
return msg;
Cheers Steve.
Did this in the end, gives me just what I need so I dont have to visit the site. Cheers

You do realise that that isnt actually using the time from your modbus data right?
this is not how you use a typedInput...
Yeh, I just realized that now
So in the example you gave me, const d = new Date(msg.payload.Year, msg.payload.Month-1, msg.payload.Day, msg.payload.Hour, msg.payload.Minutes, msg.payload.Seconds); msg.payload = d return msg;
Do I need to change the payloads to suite my output.
So I would have msg.payload.minute, msg.payload.second, and so on?
Well, since you already had that
I wrote a solution to suite...
So Sorry.
I get you now. I now have changed it and now it makes sense to me.
Thank you so much for your help.
I guess I need to visit site
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