Conexion Hikvision

Hola recientemente estoy configurando detecion de camara de marca Hikvision pero me aparece este error le cambio el usuario, pero me aparece sin conexion

Hikvision-config: streamPipeline: The user aborted a request

--------- Translation ---------
Hello, recently I am configuring Hikvision brand camera detection but I get this error, I change the user, but it appears offline

Hikvision-config: streamPipeline: The user aborted a request

You haven't given much information to allow someone to help you.

  1. What version of Node-red and node.js are you using? (see startup log)
  2. What device are you running Node-RED on?
  3. What node are you using to access the camera?

Have a look at the node-red-contrib-hikvision-ultimate (node) - Node-RED node, works perfect for me.


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