Suppose I install a module node-red-contrib-foo, which adds a node bar to the palette. Then I install a second module @me/node-red-special, which also defines a node bar added to the palette.
How does node-red resolve this, as information about the node origin (i.e. module) doesn’t seem to appear in the flows.json file? I can see how namespaces prevent module conflicts, but how does someone creating a node prevent naming conflicts with nodes of other modules?
Most of the node names I observe seem simple and likely to conflict at some point. For example, given the following code, how would I be certain that I am acting on my ‘bar’ node and not a different ‘bar’ node?
If (n.type===‘bar’) {
// do something wrt my ‘bar’ node here…
Is there a naming convention for node names that prevents this?