Hello, I have a raspberry pi which is connected to a solid-state relay bricklet. the following code describes how I turn off and on the heater. Is it possible to implement this on node-red? I want to control the temperature and heater using node red. I am a newbie so any leads would be really appreciated. Thank you
HOST = "localhost"
PORT = 4223
UID1 = "PTC" # PTC Bricklet
UID3 = "HL" # Solid State Relay -- Heater
import time
starttime = time.time()
while True:
import csv
import math
from time import *
from time import sleep
import logging as log
# Import components
from tinkerforge.ip_connection import IPConnection
from tinkerforge.bricklet_ptc_v2 import BrickletPTCV2
from tinkerforge.bricklet_solid_state_relay_v2 import BrickletSolidStateRelayV2
from tinkerforge.bricklet_thermocouple_v2 import BrickletThermocoupleV2
import datetime
from datetime import timedelta
import calendar
if __name__ == "__main__":
ipcon = IPConnection() # create IP connection
tptc_cdo = BrickletPTCV2(UID1, ipcon) # Create device object
ssrHL_cdo = BrickletSolidStateRelayV2(UID3, ipcon) # Create device object
ipcon.connect(HOST, PORT) # Don't use device before ipcon is connected
temperature_IN = tptc_cdo.get_temperature()
log.info("Temperature_OUT: " + str(temperature_IN/100.0) + " °C")
# Get current date and time
Time_act = gmtime()
Year = str(Time_act[0])
Month = str(Time_act[1])
Day = str(Time_act[2])
Hour = str(Time_act[3] + 2)
Minute = str(Time_act[4])
Second = str(Time_act[5])
timestamp = ((Year)+'.'+(Month)+'.'+(Day)+';'+(Hour)+':'+(Minute)+':'+(Second))
log.info("Start-time: " + str(timestamp))
if Time_act[3] > 3 and Time_act[3] < 17: # This is GMT so +2 hours (start heating at 6: set to >3)
with open('Experiments_Heating_20210628.csv', 'a', newline='') as file:
writer = csv.writer(file)
writer.writerow([str(timestamp), temperature_IN/100.0, ssrHL_cdo.get_state(), temperature_OUT/100.0])
if (temperature_IN / 100.0) < 26.20:
log.info("Heat R\L ON")
if (temperature_IN / 100.0) < 27.75:
log.info("Heat L ON")
if (temperature_IN / 100.0) > 27.85:
log.info("Heat OFF")
if Time_act[3] > 16:
log.info("Heat OFF")