Corrupted Flows?

I have, all of the sudden, an odd behaviour. My flows stopped working.

Here are the flows:

As you can see the Distinction counter has 1 item to process and the Graduates shows 7. It was working earlier today but out of the blue, none of the queries will process.

Is it possible for the csv or other part of Node-RED to become corrupted? Any ideas to solve it?
Sorry, I'm just way too new at NR.

Hi @ralvez

Unfortunately, not enough info is given.

I think you need to describe exactly what your flow is doing, what its trigger points are (external inputs, inject nodes, HTTP IN etc etc)

Every flow is different, and bespoke (and therefore the installed nodes)

It’s not a feature for a flow/node red to “break” unless an external change has occurred, where your flow has not been adapted to that change.

If you can export your flow, and provide example input data (the trigger) - then some guesses can be made.

You can also make use of the debug node to investigate the problem, to see where it is breaking down.

Installed Nodes themself, can have bugs of course - but you will need to raise that with the author of said Node - as it’s not really a node red issue, but more the contributed Node

Something else to consider...

If you are running your flows on an RPi with an SD card, then, in the past, it has been known for the SD card to become corrupt. Usually when it is a lesser known brand.

I think it would be very unusual for the flow to be corrupted in such a way that it still loads. Usually a corruption will have much more dramatic effect


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