Count number of messages in the last 10 minutes

i'm stuck with following problem.
I get incoming messages of a a "tcp in" node from a keyence vision system if this system detects an error.
And i want to send a message via telegram if there are 6 errors in the last 10 minutes.

My idea is to create an array 0-9. Now i count the incoming errors every minute to array[0]. Also i shift the array every minute so array[8] goes to array[9] and array[7] goes to array[8] ... and array[0] is set to 0.

Is this the right direction or is there an easier way?

EDIT: I just found this node which is eventually suitable: node-red-contrib-msg-speed (node) - Node-RED (

So i change my question: Is my idea a good way if i want to solve my problem with the function node?

Can that be turned round the other way and instead send the message after 10 minutes if there is not a good signal in that interval? That would be much easier to implement, using just a Trigger node.

Unfortunately not, because sometimes the mashine is turned off or paused.

But i use this method already for a different solution. Basically it works like a watchdog.

Is there no way of knowing that the machine is turned off or paused?

If not then you will have to implement something along the lines you have suggested.

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