Create a pop-up using the new table

Hello everyone, I would like to know if it is possible to create a pop-up by clicking on a row in the Dashboard 2.0 table (using the template node).

Hi! Welcome to the forums and thanka for the question.

It absolutely is. You can configure the ui-table node to emit an event on click of a row.

The output from the ui-table could then feed a ui-template with a Vuetify Dialog in it that can show when a new message is received.

I've also opened Have "Dialog" group types · Issue #1106 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub as I've seen the request/need for a Dialog come up a lot in ui-templatw and thought that this could be a nice low-code alternative to needing to write custom code everytime.

Thank you so much for the help Joe.

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