Create an option for http request node to bypass Browser check

Create an option for http request node to bypass Browser check.

Otherwise something like following is displayed:

You are using an outdated browser.

Welcome to the forums @Denis1983

You can already do this.
Add a header, in your HTTP Request - to fake the user-agent.
The HTTP Request - concentrates on being a WebClient - not an actual bowser

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Urm, why are you using an outdated browser? :smile:

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I don't think he is using an out dated browser. The http request node is receiving a error message, probably due to no Javascript.

Please share the actual error message so that we can check for underlying reasons.

The 'error message' is just the default content of the page being requested - that, as @E1cid says, would only be seen in the browser being used doesn't support JavaScript.

There is no error with the node, or anything for it to 'bypass'. It's simply that the HTTP Request node is not a browser.

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