Hello everyone!
Could someone help me? The attached js code works on the dashboard for clicking, but I want to start it with "start"-"stop" in the payload. I already tried, but it doesn't work. I have already given it the input in the html file, so it appears on the node as input. ( inputs:1, )
mikrofon.txt (17.3 KB)
Can you confirm which node you are using ?
node-red-node-ui-microphone doesn't seem to accept any msg input
node-red-contrib-mic does but its icon is different than yours
Yes, node-red-node-ui-microphone, set input ok, send start-stop in payload not working
Okay, I can't get a sound out of the mic node, but not even a string. The dashboard mic node has a string output. And that would be important to me.
As I mentioned this node doesn't accept input, are you sure its the one you are using ?
Yes sure!
.node-red/node_modules/node-red-node-ui-microphone/ui_microphone.html :
<script type="text/javascript">
RED.nodes.registerType('ui_microphone',{ // type MUST start with ui_
category: 'dashboard',
color: 'rgb( 90, 242, 2)', //LIME COLOR
defaults: {
name: {value: ''},
group: {type: 'ui_group', required:true},
order: {value: 0},
width: {
value: 0,
validate: function(v) {
var valid = true
var width = v||0;
var currentGroup = $('#node-input-group').val()|| this.group;
var groupNode = RED.nodes.node(currentGroup);
valid = !groupNode || +width <= +groupNode.width;
return valid;
height: {value: 0},
maxLength: { value: 5 },
maxRecogLength: { value: 5 },
timeslice: { value: 0 },
press : { value: "click" },
mode: { value: "audio" },
interimResults: { value: false }
inputs:1, //CREATE INPUT
icon: "font-awesome/fa-microphone",
paletteLabel: "microphone",
label: function() {
return this.name||"microphone";
I understand now - You have modified the code to add the input yes ?
So did you also make modifications to handle the input messages ?
Yes, it is, but the input failed to handle
(receive start-stop payload at the input)
Adding the input to the HTML file is only really cosmetic.
You will also need to re-write the code in ui_microphone.js to make it process any incoming payloads.
Yes, I know that, I don't know the exact js code. I don't have enough knowledge for that. I already know how the $scope.watch function is needed, but I can't insert this into the js code of the ui microphone.
node.on('input', function(msg) {
node.log("Event input: " + msg.payload);
node.msg = msg;
switch (msg.payload) {
case "pause":
case "resume":
case "stop":
case "start":
I don't use this node so cannot help much further.
Having skimmed some search results I suspect that there is more to it than you may think -
Depending on your use case there are quite a few topics to be found in the forum which may be of interest.
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