Credentials could not be decrypted - Projects github

I've recently tried Node-red's Project extension and have struggled to secure a method for sharing projects with decrypted credentials.
For some reason am unable to execute a corresponding key.

I have one host running with projects enabled where I upload to github with an encryption key.
The second host I download the project from github and copy across to .node-red.

Both hosts are using the same key set in each settings.js file under :xxx
The settings.js credentialSecret is the same key used in host one projects encryption key parameter.

Could there be a known reason for this?

Hi @jimmy232

What you describe should just work:

  1. create a project and configure with an encryption key.
  2. clone the project to another machine that doesn't have projects enabled
  3. copy its flow files into .node-red
  4. copy the project's encryption key into the settings.js file as the credentialSecret value.

Double check you have the keys right. Check the start-up log of the second NR instance to see if its loading the flow file you think it should be.

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