Thank you. I was able to get the flow working all the way to a dashboard table.
One problem that I experienced is that when one API node encounters a type of error/issue that interrupts the flow of msg (like a "timeout" in pulling data from a particular exchange) everything halts - I imagine (one reason) because the JOIN node is waiting to get all of its parts.
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"func": "var l_coin=msg.payload.currency;\nvar;\n\nflow.set('listed', listed);\nflow.set('l_coin', l_coin);\nflow.set('f_coin', l_coin + '/USD');\nflow.set('g_coin', l_coin + '_USDT');\nflow.set('b_coin', l_coin + 'USDT');\nflow.set('c_coin', l_coin + '-USD');\n\nmsgF={};\nmsgG={};\nmsgB={};\nmsgC={};\nreturn [msgF,msgG,msgB,msgC];",
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"payload": "{\"type\":\"new_coin\",\"message\":\"ETC has been listed on!\",\"currency\":\"GALA\",\"exchange\":\"\"}",
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"name": "out",
"func": "msgTable = {};\nmsgAction = {};\n\n\nvar listed = flow.get('listed');\nvar l_coin = flow.get('l_coin');\nvar price; var change; var f_coin; var g_coin; var b_coin; var c_coin; var id; var token; var coin;\n\n if (msg.payload.ftx.price > 0) {\n price = msg.payload.ftx.price;\n change = (msg.payload.ftx.change * 100).toFixed(2); \n id = 739970400;\n token = \"bae88628-4c8a-4176-a43b-a8dbd5f4f82d00\";\n coin = msg.payload.ftx.coin;\n} \n else if (msg.payload.gate.price > 0) {\n price = msg.payload.gate.price; \n change = msg.payload.gate.change; \n id = 739970400;\n token = \"bae88628-4c8a-4176-a43b-a8dbd5f4f82d00\";\n coin = msg.payload.gate.coin;\n} \n else if (msg.payload.binance.price > 0) {\n price = msg.payload.binance.price; \n change = msg.payload.binance.change;\n id = 739970400;\n token = \"bae88628-4c8a-4176-a43b-a8dbd5f4f82d00\";\n coin = msg.payload.binance.coin;\n}\n\n\nif (msg.payload.ftx.price > 0) { f_coin = msg.payload.ftx.coin }\nif (msg.payload.gate.price > 0) { g_coin = msg.payload.gate.coin }\nif (msg.payload.binance.price > 0) { b_coin = msg.payload.binance.coin }\nc_coin = msg.payload.coinbase.coin;\n\n\nmsgTable.payload = { \"l_coin\": l_coin, \"listed\": listed, \"f_coin\": f_coin, \"g_coin\": g_coin, \"b_coin\": b_coin, \"c_coin\": c_coin, \"price\": price, \"change\": change, \"time\": msg.time };\n\nmsgAction = { \"message_type\": \"bot\", \"bot_id\": id, \"email_token\": token, \"delay_seconds\": \"0\", \"pair\": coin};\n\nreturn [msgTable,msgAction];",
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"to": "($found := $$.payload.payload[symbol = $flowContext('b_coin')];\t$exists($found) ? \t $found.${\t \"change\":priceChangePercent,\t \"price\": lastPrice,\t \"coin\": symbol,\t \"exchange\": $$} : \t0)\t\t",
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"to": "($found := $$.payload.payload[id = $flowContext('c_coin')];\t$exists($found) ? \t $found.${\t \"coin\": id,\t \"price\": null,\t \"change\": null,\t \"exchange\": $$} : \t\"not found\")\t\t",
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"name": "msg_events",
"func": "var msg_obj = msg.payload ;\nvar arr_msgs = flow.get(\"msg_events\", 'memoryOnly');\n\nif (arr_msgs===undefined ) {\n // Create an empty array if it does not exist yet\n arr_msgs = [];\n //arr_msgs.push(msg_obj) ; \n if (msg_obj !== \"1\") {\n arr_msgs.push(msg_obj);\n flow.set(\"msg_events\",arr_msgs, 'memoryOnly');\n }\n \n// return msg ;\n\n} else {\n // This is a new user, save and return in the first port\n if (msg_obj !== \"1\") {\n arr_msgs.push(msg_obj);\n flow.set(\"msg_events\",arr_msgs, 'memoryOnly');\n }\n} \nmsg.payload = flow.get(\"msg_events\", 'memoryOnly');\nreturn msg;\n",
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