D1 Vs D2 layout problem

I'm trying to reproduce the formatting from a D1 to D2 view. I notice that with the same settings I do not have the same result. Why since the grid is defined at 48px on each side?
Attached json of both versions for testing.
Is there a layout editor planned like on D1?
The spacers would also be very useful quickly.
IU-LED V2 is not displayed by default???

Thank you for your work and development of D2.

mise en page V1 Vs V2.json (46.7 KB)

We have a bug at the moment that requires a Node-RED restart after installing third-party widgets. After which, the UI LED should work.

For the layout, can you screenshot what youre trying to achieve and what you currently have in D2.0 please?

We do have plans for a Layout Editor, for sure, but also have plans to inteoduce some additional layout options/features first

You will find the visuals attached.
D1 complete view without scroling and well arranged.
D2 part1 & part2 with scroling, offset, alignment problems (gauge 4&5)

Ok well received for the layout editor :-).
IU-LED node red already restarted.
my Version nodered 3.1

Thank you for your help.

Layouts in Dashboard 2.0 are driven by the "Size" attribute on groups/widgets.

It seems as though you're using a "grid" layout (Which is good), but your group for the charts is probably still "12" wide, i.e. full-width

You can read more about the layouts here: Layouts | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

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