Flowfuse dashboard 2.0 layout editor

I added the @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard but the layout editor is missing. Even if I hover the mouse over the group it does not come up, I restarted the system several times, updated the palette. (1.14.0). But still not there. What am I missing?


I don't believe it is implemented in D2 as yet.

For the moment you just have to drag/drop the widgets about in that panel. If you need any spacers inserted then use empty ui-text nodes of the appropriate size.

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thank you, is there eny plan to implement it?

Yes but no timescale as yet -

We've significantly transformed the way that layouts are done in Dashboard 2.0.

In 1.0, there was only one layout type. With 2.0, we have (currently) 4, with more planned, so it's not been an easy transfer over of the layout editor.

As mentioned above though, we definitely have plans to introduce a drag/drop layout editor, but it's a significant piece of work.

Thanks for your reply @joepavitt appricate it!
Where can I find some documentations and or examples of those 4 layout types?

Documentation on the layouts is here: Layouts | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

I've jumped the gun slightly by saying 4, as the "Tabs" layout will be coming this week (but is already in the documentation)

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Birilliant! Thanks heaps. Keep up the good work!