Hi All, I'm very pleased to announce that we've just hit a big milestone with the development effort on Node-RED Dashboard 2.0 - we've just released our first major version - v1.0.0:
Took my spare pi loaded up bookworm and node red and node20, copied over one existing flow and ta da!!! nothing, sigh, read the docs and I'm committed to migrating but this looks like a huge hill.
No. And that's the sad case of course. I'm kind of feel a little pressure to migrate some of my more popular widgets to DB2 but yeah, it takes quite of resources to invest.
The only positive thing is that the new ui nodes will be better, because @joepavitt has worked tremendously hard to provide us a better framework. But of course that means you have to rethink your entire design: no last msg replay, server side state, ...
During the christmas holidays I started (with some help from Joe) migrating my node-red-contrib-ui-heatmap node. And yes it needs to be developed completely from scratch. I think it is about 80% finished, but I had to put it temporarily aside due to less of free time unfortunately. I have even no idea when to start with my other ui nodes.
And for those who will be wondering - whenever I find time to migrate my ui nodes (svg, babylonjs, multistate switch, ...) if they can simply replace their old ui nodes by the new ones in their flows. The answer will be: no. Even if I would have plenty of free time, there is lots of functionality that sneaked in based on feature requests from users, but which turned to be a bad idea afterwards. So I would never add those features again in their current state. Moreover by reading tons of feedback about problems that users e.g. had in the past with the lack of a server side state, I would surely do things differently this time based on the ideas that they shared...
As I offered to @BartButenaers, I will also offer the same to @hotNipi - I'll happily help pair program on calls, make improvments to contribution guides, even get started on the dev effort myself to get initial framework/structure setup for you all.
Appreciate its a big, intimidating hill, and want to do all I can to help.
[Edit] Having tested, if the PC is suspended and changes are made to, for example, Switch positions, then when the PC is resumed the dashboard does not show those changes, I suspect the same will happen if the browser suspends a tab. I think this is a pretty serious issue.