Latest Dashboard 2.0 Release - Tabs, Number Input & New Gauges

1.15.0 went out yesterday and thought I'd share a link to the article detailing some of the new features, including:

  • New Layout: Tabs
  • New Widget: Number Input (Numeric)
  • Gauge Types: Battery Charge & Tank Level

If you click here under what's new section link is dead

I assume it needs to be this one.

Thanks for spotting - fix incoming - @BartButenaers is correct for the link

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Where is the documentation for Layout: Tabs ?
I've looked through the documentation, not read every line, but cannot see anything. Also looked through my dashboard settings, and nothing stands out.

Dashboard v1.15.0

It is funny that the example screenshot shows form elements as one would hope for


But the reality is that the form elements have massive paddings that could fit 3 of those form inputs in the same space. All form elements are extremely inefficient for screenspace, especially for mobile.

note that the content is not center aligned.

Hmmm... that doesn't look right, what browser is that?

You can also now control that sizing by changing the "Row Height" option on your theme: Config: UI Theme ui-theme | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

Thanks Joe, I don't know how I missed that :thinking:

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It is a screenshot from the blog :crazy_face:

Good point, well presented :smile:

I didn't write the article and missed that in the review, but I'll double check the actual widget tomorrow

It presents OK in my dashboard @bakman2 although not as tight as the demo.

This is it displayed in a chrome browser - size 2 x 1
Looks the same in both Firefox & Edge


@joepavitt Does it have the latest vuetify 3.7?

Thanks, the compact option looks much better (I would make this the default).

Not yet: node-red-dashboard/package.json at da48915e3f58dbd67f42ff646d0c58fd3f5776ff · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

Is there something in the 3.7 release in particular you are interested in?

Treeview had some icon's appending bug [Bug Report][3.6.9] VTreeview: Append/Prepend Slots not usable on parent nodes when activatable · Issue #20009 · vuetifyjs/vuetify · GitHub which is resolved in this release, but I can easily wait since I have workarounds already done.

In the future I will check dependencies, thanks

Hi, after updating to newest release of dashboard 2.0., buttons ( ui-button) on my existing projects that were sized 5x5 now look like 5x1 and no matter what size i choose only length changes... Any idea how to fix it?

Hi @Tom1 - which layout type and browser are you using? Are you able to share a screenshot please?

Update: Found the problem - fix incoming

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Hi, in the new "Input Number", there is an interesting feature to define the ->range<-, but seems not working. Is it supported?


There is already an open issue for this I think. Have a look and if it covers your problem then add a note that you are seeing it too.

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