Dashboard and Dashboard 2.0

Hi everybody,
I'm beginner on node-red. I've on my node-red project two options: Dashboard + Dashboard 2.0.
What's the difference?
I only find that:
On Dashboard - I could put input values, trend, gauches,...
I could launch it with: ..../ui
On Dashboard 2.0 - I try to show images.
I could launch it with: ..../dashboard

But each one have their own menu.

How could I manage it? I only want 1 single screen with 1 menu and inputs + images.
Thanks in advance,

Welcome to the forum @Guillem

If you are starting a new project you should definitely use 2.0. 1.0 was based on a framework that is obsolete and no longer maintained, so at some point in the future D1 will become unmaintainable.

Hi Colin,
Thanks for your response.
I maintain Dashboard 2.0. How could I delete Dashboard ?¿

Hi Guillem, welcome to the forum.

The differences are:

Dashboard was originally called UI. It is now deprecated which means it is no longer in development and people are being encouraged to start moving to Dashboard 2.0. It still works of course and probably will for some time, but no updates or fixes will happen.

D2 has been designated as the replacement for Dashboard and is under active development. Not everything from D1 has yet been made possible on D2 yet though.

What you need to do is to reproduce what you have on D1 over on D2 and then you can remove the old Dashboard.

Hi TotallyInformation,
Thanks for your reply but:

How could I "move" the items?

I'm afraid you can't.

That's the downside of the Dashboards - they use complex frameworks.

So you can only re-create things from scratch in D2. You should start by looking at the D2 layout and then add D2 equivalent nodes in parallel to your D1 nodes in your flows and configure them as close as needed to the originals. Then, when happy with the new D2 layout, remove the D1 nodes and eventually remove D1 completely.

I stuck with Dashboard 1 because populating a table was different in 2, but 2 has a lot of great things in it so I'd stick with 2 if you're just starting out.

I'm currently rebuilding my dashboard in Ignition while still using Node Red in the field to collect the data from PLCs and save it to my database.

I Have similar Issues.
if only i could get this simple ui-template transferred to DB-2 or uibuilder, i would start migrating towards the newer dashboards. i am trying since so many days but get stuck up and cannot EXACTLY replicate how it looks in DB1. and I am so used to the look and feel of DB1, i cannot accept how it looks in DB2. but not giving up hope yet, but a certain hand holding from some experts would definitley push me forward.

the below example is just a table in html.

[{"id":"046911db42a7de1e","type":"ui_template","z":"17065fbaa47a80f0","group":"342bda09a3fa74f1","name":"OEE","order":1,"width":"44","height":"9","format":"<style>\n.overflow-hidden {overflow: hidden;}\n\n.oeehead {background:black ;color:white; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center;font-weight: 200;}\n.oee {background:#101010; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee1 {background:#202020 ;color:yellow; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee2 {background:#505050 ;color:yellow; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center; font-weight: 600;}\n.oeedn {background:#121212 ;color:pink      ; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oeeup {background:#121212 ;color:lightgreen; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee_grey {background:#525252 ;color:#020202; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee_green {background:green ;color:#020202; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center;}\n.oee_pink {background:pink ;color:#020202; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center;}\n</style>\n<div ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload\"></div>","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"local","className":"overflow-hidden","x":490,"y":180,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"8d6ae81cd73ffaa2","type":"inject","z":"17065fbaa47a80f0","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"<body> <table width = \"100%\" border = '1'> <!-- <caption class = 'cap'>OEE DATA</caption>       <tr>                         <th colspan = '100%' ALIGN = 'center'> UPTIME / DOWNTIME / AVAILABILITY AND TARGET / ACTUAL / PERFORMANCE OF ALL MACHINES FOR CURRENT DAY UPDATED EVERY MINUTE LAST UPDATED @ 10:14:28</th>                                              </tr> -->  <!--            <tr height = \"4px\" bgcolor=\"gold\"> <td colspan=\"20\"></td></tr>  -->         <tr class = 'oeehead' height = '1px' bgcolor = 'black'\">                         <td width = \"120px\" >ONLINE OEE</td>                          <td width = '80px' ;>CR3</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>MSP1</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>BTP1</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>SP4</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>SP3</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>PFSL</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>PFSR</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>CR1</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>JUC</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>CFT</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>14T</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>12T</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>BTP2</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>BTP3</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>SP5</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>AP2</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>MSP2</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>BAGR</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>DIP</td width = '80px'>                     </tr>                       <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >UPTIME</td>                          <td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>13</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>5</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>65</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>64</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' >189</td>                         <td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>124</td><td class = 'oeeup' >0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>131</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>111</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>115</td><td class = 'oeeup'>171</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td>                     </tr>                     <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >DNTIME</td>                          <td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>241</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>249</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>189</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>190</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' >65</td>                         <td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>130</td><td class = 'oeedn' >254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>123</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>143</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>139</td><td class = 'oeedn'>83</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td>                     </tr>                     <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee_grey' >Elapsed Time</td>                          <td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' >254</td>                         <td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' >254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey'>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee1' >AVAILABILITY(A)</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >5.1 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >2 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >25.6 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >25.2 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >74.4 %</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >48.8 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >51.6 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >43.7 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >45.3 %</td><td class = 'oee1'> 67.3 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >TARGET</td>                          <td class = 'oee' ;>NaN</td><td class = 'oee' ;>NaN</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>234</td><td class = 'oee' ;>15</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,625</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,280</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' >60,480</td>                         <td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>6,944</td><td class = 'oee' >NaN</td><td class = 'oee' ;>14,410</td><td class = 'oee' ;>12,210</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>3,680</td><td class = 'oee'>4,012</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >ACTUAL </td>                          <td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>158</td><td class = 'oee' ;>18</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,294</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,191</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' >54,039</td>                         <td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>4,221</td><td class = 'oee' >0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>14,322</td><td class = 'oee' ;>11,411</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>2,760</td><td class = 'oee'>3,690</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td>                     </tr>                                         <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee_grey' >MODAL SPEED</td>                          <td class = 'oee_grey' ;></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>63</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>18</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>3</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>25</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>20</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>22</td><td class = 'oee_grey' >320</td>                         <td class = 'oee_grey' ;>20</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>56</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>110</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>110</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>17</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>28</td><td class = 'oee_grey'>22</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>20</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee1' >PERFORMANCE(P)</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >67.5 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >120 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >79.6 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >93 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >89.4 %</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >60.8 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >99.4 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >93.5 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >75 %</td><td class = 'oee1'> 92 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '42px'><td class= 'oee2' >O E E (A*P)</td>                         <td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >3.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >2.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >20.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >23.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >66.5 %</td>                         <td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >29.7 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >51.3 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >40.9 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >34.0 %</td><td class = 'oee2'> 61.9 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td>                     </tr> <tr height = \"1px\" bgcolor=\"red\"> <td colspan=\"20\"></td></tr>             </table>        </body>","payloadType":"str","x":290,"y":180,"wires":[["046911db42a7de1e"]]},{"id":"342bda09a3fa74f1","type":"ui_group","name":"OEE","tab":"fbe9cc4da47a8d17","order":3,"disp":false,"width":"44","collapse":false,"className":""},{"id":"fbe9cc4da47a8d17","type":"ui_tab","name":"LIVE DASHBOARD","icon":"fa-table","order":1,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}

Let me have a look at that from a uibuilder perspective.

I'm afraid that an error has crept into what you've shared, I cannot import it. Can you try again?

[{"id":"046911db42a7de1e","type":"ui_template","z":"17065fbaa47a80f0","group":"342bda09a3fa74f1","name":"OEE","order":1,"width":"44","height":"9","format":"<style>\n.overflow-hidden {overflow: hidden;}\n\n.oeehead {background:black ;color:white; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center;font-weight: 200;}\n.oee {background:#101010; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee1 {background:#202020 ;color:yellow; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee2 {background:#505050 ;color:yellow; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center; font-weight: 600;}\n.oeedn {background:#121212 ;color:pink      ; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oeeup {background:#121212 ;color:lightgreen; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee_grey {background:#525252 ;color:#020202; font-size: 0.9em; text-align: center;}\n.oee_green {background:green ;color:#020202; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center;}\n.oee_pink {background:pink ;color:#020202; font-size: 1.3em; text-align: center;}\n</style>\n<div ng-bind-html=\"msg.payload\"></div>","storeOutMessages":true,"fwdInMessages":true,"resendOnRefresh":true,"templateScope":"local","className":"overflow-hidden","x":490,"y":180,"wires":[[]]},{"id":"8d6ae81cd73ffaa2","type":"inject","z":"17065fbaa47a80f0","name":"","props":[{"p":"payload"},{"p":"topic","vt":"str"}],"repeat":"","crontab":"","once":false,"onceDelay":0.1,"topic":"","payload":"<body> <table width = \"100%\" border = '1'> <!-- <caption class = 'cap'>OEE DATA</caption>       <tr>                         <th colspan = '100%' ALIGN = 'center'> UPTIME / DOWNTIME / AVAILABILITY AND TARGET / ACTUAL / PERFORMANCE OF ALL MACHINES FOR CURRENT DAY UPDATED EVERY MINUTE LAST UPDATED @ 10:14:28</th>                                              </tr> -->  <!--            <tr height = \"4px\" bgcolor=\"gold\"> <td colspan=\"20\"></td></tr>  -->         <tr class = 'oeehead' height = '1px' bgcolor = 'black'\">                         <td width = \"120px\" >ONLINE OEE</td>                          <td width = '80px' ;>CR3</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>MSP1</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>BTP1</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>SP4</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>SP3</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>PFSL</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>PFSR</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>CR1</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>JUC</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>CFT</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>14T</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>12T</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>BTP2</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>BTP3</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>SP5</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>AP2</td width = '80px'>                         <td width = '80px' ;>MSP2</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>BAGR</td width = '80px'><td width = '80px' ;>DIP</td width = '80px'>                     </tr>                       <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >UPTIME</td>                          <td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>13</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>5</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>65</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>64</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' >189</td>                         <td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>124</td><td class = 'oeeup' >0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>131</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>111</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>115</td><td class = 'oeeup'>171</td><td class = 'oeeup' ;>0</td>                     </tr>                     <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >DNTIME</td>                          <td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>241</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>249</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>189</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>190</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' >65</td>                         <td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>130</td><td class = 'oeedn' >254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>123</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>143</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>139</td><td class = 'oeedn'>83</td><td class = 'oeedn' ;>254</td>                     </tr>                     <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee_grey' >Elapsed Time</td>                          <td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' >254</td>                         <td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' >254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey'>254</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>254</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee1' >AVAILABILITY(A)</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >5.1 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >2 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >25.6 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >25.2 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >74.4 %</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >48.8 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >51.6 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >43.7 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >45.3 %</td><td class = 'oee1'> 67.3 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >TARGET</td>                          <td class = 'oee' ;>NaN</td><td class = 'oee' ;>NaN</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>234</td><td class = 'oee' ;>15</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,625</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,280</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' >60,480</td>                         <td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>6,944</td><td class = 'oee' >NaN</td><td class = 'oee' ;>14,410</td><td class = 'oee' ;>12,210</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>3,680</td><td class = 'oee'>4,012</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee' >ACTUAL </td>                          <td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>158</td><td class = 'oee' ;>18</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,294</td><td class = 'oee' ;>1,191</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' >54,039</td>                         <td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>4,221</td><td class = 'oee' >0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>14,322</td><td class = 'oee' ;>11,411</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td><td class = 'oee' ;>2,760</td><td class = 'oee'>3,690</td><td class = 'oee' ;>0</td>                     </tr>                                         <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee_grey' >MODAL SPEED</td>                          <td class = 'oee_grey' ;></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>63</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>18</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>3</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>25</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>20</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>22</td><td class = 'oee_grey' >320</td>                         <td class = 'oee_grey' ;>20</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>56</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>110</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>110</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>17</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;></td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>28</td><td class = 'oee_grey'>22</td><td class = 'oee_grey' ;>20</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '10px'><td class= 'oee1' >PERFORMANCE(P)</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >67.5 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >120 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >79.6 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >93 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >89.4 %</td>                         <td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >60.8 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >99.4 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >93.5 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >75 %</td><td class = 'oee1'> 92 %</td><td class = 'oee1' >0 %</td>                     </tr>                      <tr height = '42px'><td class= 'oee2' >O E E (A*P)</td>                         <td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >3.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >2.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >20.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >23.4 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >66.5 %</td>                         <td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >29.7 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >51.3 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >40.9 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td><td class = 'oee2' >34.0 %</td><td class = 'oee2'> 61.9 %</td><td class = 'oee2' >-</td>                     </tr> <tr height = \"1px\" bgcolor=\"red\"> <td colspan=\"20\"></td></tr>             </table>        </body>","payloadType":"str","x":290,"y":180,"wires":[["046911db42a7de1e"]]},{"id":"342bda09a3fa74f1","type":"ui_group","name":"OEE","tab":"fbe9cc4da47a8d17","order":3,"disp":false,"width":"44","collapse":false,"className":""},{"id":"fbe9cc4da47a8d17","type":"ui_tab","name":"LIVE DASHBOARD","icon":"fa-table","order":1,"disabled":false,"hidden":false}]

Sorry @Guillem for hijacking your thread, i will move it since the engagement has started

Don't worry, I try to follow your comments but I'm afraid, I'm very beginner.

Thanks for your patience - I'm afraid we all too often go off at tangents in threads. :slight_smile:

Was your original question answered though or do you need further help?

Thanks TotallyInfomation,
I erased dashboard2. Now, I only have dashboard and I try to show my values on it.

In order to work with dashboard2, what I need to do?

As mentioned, I'm no D2 expert (I'm the author of UIBUILDER, a rather different approach to data-driven web apps). However, you can have D1 and D2 running in parallel since they both use separate URL's.

The simplest approach therefore would be to live with 2 separate web pages and slowly re-create your D1 stuff in D2 as it becomes feasible.

You can use the same flows as you have been for D1 but, as you add features to your D2, simply take a 2nd output into the D2 node(s) as well as D1 until you are ready to switch over.

Node-red-dashboard AKA 1 and @flowfuse/node-red-dashboard AKA 2 can run on the same computer with no problems.
The first is accessed at IPaddress:1880/ui and the second at IPaddress:1880/dashboard.

Unfortunately, although the dashboard widgets have the same names in both versions, a v1 widget can't be used on a V2 dashboard.

Nor is it as simple to migrate as copying the widget config from v1 to v2 widgets.
You have to rebuild the dashboard from scratch, including the data structure you are feeding it.

I think there is a migration assistant tool at flowfuse but I have not observed it doing anything useful.

Hi jbudd,
Thanks for your answer.
Did you know how could I move ui-media to Dashboard 2 ?¿

@Guillem you could ask the author of the node if they would create a db2 version, but looking at the repo issues it doesn't seem to be well maintained... So maybe try to find an alternative solution.