Dashboard 2 - number input node enquiry

Greetings folks.
Thought it was about time to embrace the latest dashboard developments for my home heating project and have begun to recreate my old dashboard into dashboard 2. All is going well but I have noticed something odd with the dashboard 2 number input node. It doesn't seem to be taking any notice of the range parameters. What ever I enter in the min, max and step seems to be ignored and has no effect when bringing up the dashboard 2 and clicking on the up and down arrows. I was wondering if this is a limitation of the newish dashboard 2 and its nodes or am I missing somethig obvious.


This is a known issue with the current release. It was (hopefully) fixed in the source a few days ago so should be available with the next release of the dashboard.

Thanks for that Colin.

This was fixed in v1.17.0

Though unfortunately ui-chart line points missing · Issue #1308 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub, which I thought was a duplicate issue, does not appear to have been fixed.

[Edit] Ignore this, I got confused about exactly which issue was being discussed here.

Thanks chaps. Just updated to V1.17.0 and the number input mode is working a treat.