Dashboard 2 Question

Yes each project has its own package.json

I use an node-red application to check if there are new packages available and I generate a script-file with entries for every environment which uses this package. That means a new node-red version, when tested, is rolled out in one step for every container and restart.

An example for the test-application (segment of the update-script):

npx npm-check-updates -u --jsonUpgraded --cwd /home/domotics/noderedtest1/.node-red
npx npm-check-updates -u --jsonUpgraded --cwd /home/domotics/noderedtest1/.node-red/projects/test
cd /home/domotics/noderedtest1/.node-red
npm install --prefix=/home/domotics/noderedtest1/.node-red

Hi @Colin and @joepavitt
Yes I move the relevant entries from the project-package.json to the first one. Reinstall and restart the application - and I see Colins gauge and a flow-viewer Yeah - that was the problem as you assumed.
Thx again it was fun

ps if you make changes I can test them if you want

I have submitted an issue for this. Third party nodes not being loaded when node-red projects are in use. · Issue #1129 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

Is it definitely projects causing this though? Or is this something bespoke about @Roland's setup that causes the two package.json files?

The node-red project documentation says " Each project has its own package.json file that includes a list of node modules the project depends on".
I remember by establishing the project feature the explained constellation arise with the second package.json. So I assume that using projects in node-red provoke this situation.

Thanks @Roland - when you installed the third-party nodes, did you use the in-Editor "Palette Manager", or install via terminal?

You said you copied the entries from the project package.json to the one in .node-red, then re-installed the nodes. Can you first check please that the entries for the nodes are identical in both files and then remove the entries from the one in .node-red, restart node-red and check that the problem still remains.

@joepavitt normally I don't use the "Palette Manager" but I can try it out with another module. I have to find another third-party module and install it with "Palette Manager".
What I see is, there is no entry in the package.json but there are entries in the package-lock.json in the .node-red directory. There is no package-lock.json and no node_modules in the project directory available.

Is this one of the entries you mentioned and which are necessary ?

"node_modules/@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-iframe": {
           "version": "1.1.0",
           "resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-iframe/-/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-iframe-1.1.0.tgz",
           "integrity": "sha512-Yglk1TKw3GGzgffYFGreWMxrjAdAISohtdmx0a/p4qEQiirBPzUkFAGq+ptTJYZuyG0B9e3xeVGruZMeZxArzg==",
           "license": "Apache-2.0",
           "dependencies": {
               "to-title-case": "^1.0.0",
               "vue": "^3.3.8",
               "vuex": "^4.1.0"
           "engines": {
               "node": ">=14"

@Colin Sorry I was not precise in my statement. What I exectly have done I move the entries from project-package.json to the main-package.json. That means the same entries are only available in the main-file. Then I rename the node_modules_directory to node_modulesx and start an npm install in the .node-red directory.
If you want I can move the entries back from main to project-package.json and make again a complete reinstall. What I don't know is what happens with the existing entries in package-lock.json. I think I can make a reinstall with an empty node_modules and empty package-lock.json.

Ignore package-lock.json, it is not relevant here. It is only the package.json files that matter.

I fear that you may have complicated the situation with installing the nodes at the top level, so if possible I suggest you re-install and start again. My previous suggestion was just to copy the package.json entries across to see if it was their locatioin that was the problem.

@joepavitt I install another module "@flowfuse/node-red-dashboard-2-ui-led" with "palette manager" and restart. And yes the palette manager writes the entry in the main-package.json and make entries in the package-lock-file. After restart I see a green led.
The problem comes with my manner. "edit manually package.json and use npm-commands" not using palette manager and make the entries in the project-package.json.
Sorry, sorry for the circumstances.
For me it works in this way since years - I don't understand the new dependency with package-lock.json. The npm-installation of the third-party modules works in the same way like all others. Only the new necessary update of the central package-lock is missing.
I think I am the only one with this problem. Excuse me @joepavitt and @Colin

@Colin I do three tests :

  1. entries in main-file and not in project -> works
  2. entries in main-file and in project-file -> works
  3. entries not in main-file only on project -> don't work

Was this your question. I always restart and I always drop node_modules-directory but I don't touch package_lock.json. The mentioned entries in package-lock still exist, you are absolutly right package-lock is not relevant.

No need to apologise, what you're doing is perfectly legitimate, but I am pleased to hear it's not a wider problem with Dashboard

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no thank you