Dashboard Authelia Auth

Following this discussion, i was inspired by using Authelia as an Auth provider for the Dashboard.

Thanks to GitHub - fullmetal-fred/node-red-dashboard-2-cloudflare-auth , it was quickly done :slight_smile:

Hardest part was to setup Authelia locally ...

Any suggestions? Do i missed a part?

The Readme is not ready yet :frowning: , i know...


Great work @kitori - fyi @fullmetal-fred

You should click the "+" button on flows.nodered.org and add this to the Node-RED Library so that others can install it through their Node-RED Editors.

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Thank you! (for making the Dashboard 2 awesome :slight_smile: )

So, looking into the use of msg._client with a view to standardising for UIBUILDER as well so that we can have a standard mechanism across dashboards and ui's.

However, I note that the FlowFuse user extension uses msg._client.user.userId but the other two contributions use msg._client.user.user but the authelia solution uses msg._client.user.user and the cloudflare solution doesn't have anything(?).

This seems like something that should be resolved now before things go too far?

Can we all agree a single property that will contain the unique user identifier?

@joepavitt @kitori @fullmetal-fred - apologies for tagging all 3, just want to make sure everyone sees it.

yes, it's a bit of a mess.

The Authelia snippets set these Headers:

proxy_set_header Remote-User $user;
proxy_set_header Remote-Groups $groups;
proxy_set_header Remote-Email $email;
proxy_set_header Remote-Name $name;

Which i access here: node-red-dashboard-2-authelia-auth/index.js at 712678b2a1f014f0c578c9253522dbb25ad8792b · aikitori/node-red-dashboard-2-authelia-auth · GitHub

user.user =  headers["remote-user"] || null;
user.name =  headers["remote-name"] || null;
user.email = headers["remote-email"] ||  null
user.groups =  headers["remote-groups"] || null;

Cloudflare sets the email as the unique username.
In authelia, the user lives in the users.yaml:

    disabled: false
    displayname: "Fabian"
    password: "ChangeMe" 
    email: authelia@authelia.com
      - admins
      - dev

In my oppinion, userId for the unique identifier is the way

I agree so that makes 3 out of 4 :grinning: Perhaps @fullmetal-fred can be persuaded to add that to his cloudflare offering.

I will be adding a feature to UIBUILDER v7, due out soon (if I can stop adding new things into it!), that will populate the msg._client based on all 3 authentication types. I'll probably also add a hook that lets it be overridden in settings.js (uibuilder hooks are another new feature in v7).

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Please note that I did spot a couple of issues with D2 auth plugins. Documented here:

In case it is of use.

Other than:

  1. Client IP addresses are not very easy to correctly obtain.

Not sure I'm seeing much else for us to act upon?

That's probably it for FlowFuse I think. :slight_smile:

Hey all!

Sure, easy enough to populate msg._client.user.userId with the user’s email in the case of Cloudflare. I’ll update my plugin.

@joepavitt we might consider stipulating this as a convention in the plugin docs.

Thanks for the interest here @TotallyInformation!


Oh, @kitori congrats on the plugin and thanks for the shout out!

No worries. Already added to UIBUILDER v7 beta.

Made an auth plugin for Authentik.
(Thanks to @fullmetal-fred and @kitori for their example repos)

Think we could definitely use some documentation for user info standardization.


Yep - I can make it so. I've been caught off guard (in a very good way) at how quickly other plugins have surfaced so it hadn't been a priority.

I'll try and get something together over the next couple of days.


Can I trouble @cgjgh and @kitori to publish their respective plugins to npm please? Then we can make them available in the Node-RED Palette Manager.

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@TotallyInformation see updated version 0.1.7 where msg._client.user.userId is now also set with the user's email.

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Darn it, another set of different headers. Wish tools would stick to standards!

Do you have any guide to implement Authelia locally? I've been struggling with this for several days?