I have some problem with UI , one or two employee can access the UI .they Fills the entire data for each trainee and save it as file.txt
like [name,age,Gender...etc] so, the data of trainee will be different for each one .
How i can create new path with the name of trainee for each one? [file.txt for each trainee]
yes I'm using the "file out" node
i looked to it. with some search and get this code to send path for the "file out" and its working fine
but i want this job for the employee they can access the UI and choice the path and name for file from UI . they can not access the function node to edit for the path and name of file
var d = new Date();
msg.filename="D:/filename /test text file from NodeRed/[name of trainee].txt";
return msg;
how i can give this function ,the path and name of trainee from UI.
"i do not have the full experience with node red "