Dashboard - position line (horizontal group)


I was just busy posting this, while the message came that the forum moves to here.
So i’m posting my message twice. (old google group and this forum)
Sorry for this.

I’m busy building up a dashboard for my application, but i would like to implement some horizontal lines over all tabs on one page.
Is there a possibility to do this? Is it possible to implement not only vertical tabs, but also horizontal groups?

Already thanks!

already answered old style :slight_smile:

Can’t think how to do that other than fix the size of each group so the vertical size is the same on all groups.
You can of course hack the css which could add lines… via a ui_template node with some in, and may be able to help with some of the layout -

Had the same question couple of days ago...

Sounds reasonable. How to do that?

I was thinking you could use the manual sizing available in each widget