Dashboard Switch icon on left, switch label on right?


I have a question related to dashboard switch style.
Is there an easy way to have switch icon on the left side while label is on the right ? ie: swap label and switch position.

If you're using the new Dashboard 2.0, then we merged this feature this week, and it will be available in a release hopefully end of the week, maybe early next week.

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No I use dashboard

In which case, I don’t believe it is possible. The package has been deprecated now, so if you are able to, it may be worth transitioning over to the new version

The CSS override still possible. Give a class name reverted-switch for switch or switches and add a ui_template targeted to the site head section and the CSS for it is simple as this:

        flex-direction: row-reverse;

That is perfect !! :star_struck:

Capture d’écran du 2024-10-02 17-55-52

I added a justify-content: flex-end; thanks to you as well

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