Dashboard Updates: Dialogs, Customisable Application Icon, Histograms + More

Hi All, just wanted to make you aware of the new update for Dashboard. In particular, I think the new Group "type" property will be really useful/popular, as it makes it very easy to render content into a Dialog/Modal.

Full Article: Dialogs, Customizable Icons and Histograms Now Available in FlowFuse Dashboard • FlowFuse

Dialog Docs: Config: UI Group ui-group | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0


Thanks for the updates.

Question, I dont know if there is an issue open already of if it is known; but the number of times i have tried dashboard v2 i ran into all kinds of conflicts with the config nodes, every deploy it complaints about groups being empty, while they are not, same for pages and the theme, then i delete groups/page, add new ones, i get the same popups over and over, then i got it working, restarting node-red, popups all over again, I have given up on it.

Hmmm.. can't say I've seen anyone reporting anything of that nature. Please do open an issue and we can investigate.

When did you last try it out?

Was there an issue with groups showing empty when they only had templates on them? Or something like that.

Not that I'm aware of?

There is this one, but it just requires a browser page refresh to make it go away.

Starting from nothing - drag button into, it is preconfigured.


It creates 4 config nodes

Everything seems really ok
But if you deploy


It renders on dashboard but unused configs still exist on every deploy.
And there's no clue what the user should do with them.

This, thanks i had to find some screenshots, but you were faster :wink:

Is it a capitalization issue (page vs Page ?)

Is that the issue I linked to? Does it recover if you refresh the browser?

Hmmm, that geels like an underlying Node-RED bug. They are all used. The group is used by the newly created Button, page by the group, theme by the page, and base by the page.

Can you open a GH issue please, and we can investigate.

Stupid question: is such a dialog group an alternative for a ui-form node in some way?

A form can be put onto a dialog (as can any other controls).

Think of the dialog as any other group that has widgets except is is not shown until you tell it to show via a message.

Probably easier to play with it than explain it. There is a copyable demo on this page: Config: UI Group ui-group | Node-RED Dashboard 2.0

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Not limited to forms, although rendering a form into a Dialog/Modal will probably be the most common use case, I suspect.

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Issue created Drag in first node creates fantom "unused config nodes" issue · Issue #1401 · FlowFuse/node-red-dashboard · GitHub

Love the customizable icon but can we also get customizable app title? I used to install my dashboard 1.0 sites on my android and have the favicon as well as the page title in a neat little folder on my home screen, but now it says "Dashboard" and I can't change it. You must realize I have way too many different dashboards.

It's next on the list:


I think you even show the same issue in your own youtube video ?

Wow, yeah, you’re absolutely right. I see "green" in that notification, don't bother reading and dismiss. Woops!

Is the diialog/modal function operational? For the life of me I can't get it to work. The payload is passing in the editor, but nothing happens in the dashboard.

I have simplified things to just trying the example flow from the documentation and when I press the button, the form does not show up inline or in a modal. I have not changed the code at all and have tried it in chrome and firefox.

Can you confirm you are using latest version of dashboard?

Could you export your example as a flow here (yeah, I know you took it from the demo, but I want to see if it has mutated of been affected in some way)